What are regulations on CITES scientific authority of Vietnam?

Regarding latest regulations on management of endangered, rare and precious species, what are regulations on CITES scientific authority of Vietnam? Thank you!

Hoang Long (long***@gmail.com)

What are regulations on CITES scientific authority of Vietnam? - image from internet

Pursuant to Article 34 of the Decree 06/2019/ND-CP (effective from 10/03/2019) on management of endangered, rare and precious species of forest fauna and flora and observation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora:

1. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development shall appoint scientific authority with appropriate professional skills and capacity as the CITES scientific authority of Vietnam and notify such appointment to the CITES secretariat.

2. Functions and duties of the CITES scientific authority of Vietnam:

Give advice to the CITES management authority of Vietnam and relevant management authorities about the following matters if required:

a) Current state of the population, distribution area and endangered, precious or rare level of endangered wild fauna and flora in nature and establishment of an exploitation quota;

b) Grant of CITES permits and certificates for export, import, re-export and transit of specimens of CITES-listed endangered species of wild fauna and flora;

c) Scientific names of fauna and flora;

d) Appraisal of specimens of wild fauna and flora;

dd) Rescue of and care for alive specimens;

e) Appropriate habitat and distribution area for the purpose of releasing the seized wild animals;

g) Breeding, rearing and artificial production of wild fauna and flora; appraisal of projects on breeding, rearing or artificial production of wild fauna and flora;

h) Disclosure of the list of species with potential for breeding for commercial purpose.

3. Be authorized in writing by the CITES management authority of Vietnam to check breeding, rearing or artificial production facilities, export, import, re-export, introduction from the sea and transit of specimens if necessary.

4. Participate in international conferences, meetings and seminars related to CITES observation.

5. Compile scientific documents and proposals concerning CITES observation; prepare technical reports as required by the CITES secretariat; cooperate with the CITES management authority of Vietnam and other law enforcement bodies in sampling for appraisal of specimens if required.

6. The State shall provide funding for activities carried out by the CITES scientific authority of Vietnam related to provisions of advice on management of endangered, precious and rare forest fauna and flora and CITES observation for the CITES management authority.

Above are regulations on CITES scientific authority of Vietnam. Please refer to the Decree 06/2019/ND-CP for further information.

Best regards!

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