Do modified fishing vessels have to appraise design documents in Vietnam?

Do modified fishing vessels have to appraise design documents in Vietnam? What are dossiers and procedures for appraisal of fishing vessel design documents in Vietnam? Which agency issues Certificates of fishing vessel technical safety in Vietnam?

I plan to modify my fishing boat to continue serving fishing, please ask when modifying fishing boats, do I need to appraise the design documents or not, what are dossiers and procedures? Thanks for your advice.

Do modified fishing vessels have to appraise design documents in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Clause 2, Article 16 of Circular 23/2018/TT-BNNPTNT has the following provisions:

1. A fishing vessel with a maximum length of 12 meters or more before being built or modified must have an appraised technical design document; In the case of a wooden fishing vessel built according to the traditional model, a sample design document must be copied and approved by the registry of fishing vessels.

2. Competence to appraise fishing vessel design documents:

a) Class I inspecting organizations shall appraise design documents for new construction, conversion, completion, repair and restoration of all types of fishing vessels;

b) Class II inspecting organizations shall appraise design documents for new construction, conversion, completion, repair and restoration of fishing vessels with the largest length of less than 24 meters;

c) Class III inspecting organizations shall appraise the design documents for new construction, conversion, completion, repair and restoration of fishing vessels with the largest length of less than 15 meters.

Thus, before being modified, a fishing vessel with a maximum length of 12 meters or more must have an appraised technical design document. Depending on the size of the fishing vessel, there will be different authority to appraise the design documents of the fishing vessel in Vietnam.

What are dossiers and procedures for appraisal of fishing vessel design documents in Vietnam?

In Clause 3, Clause 4, Article 16 of Circular 23/2018/TT-BNNPTNT, dossiers and procedures for appraisal of design documents for fishing vessels are as follows:

3. Dossier includes:

a) An application form for appraisal of design documents for fishing vessels, made according to Form No. 01.BD Appendix VI issued together with this Circular;

b) Design documents for fishing vessels (03 sets).

4. Order of execution:

a) Organizations and individuals shall submit 01 set of dossiers directly at the fishing vessel inspection registration establishment specified in Clause 2 of this Article or send it via postal service;

b) In case of direct submission: The inspecting organization shall check the dossier composition and reply immediately when the organization or individual submits the dossier;

c) In case of submitting dossiers via postal service: Within no more than 02 working days, the inspecting organization shall consider the completeness, if the dossier is incomplete as prescribed, the inspecting organization shall notify in writing the additional organization or individual;

d) Within 20 days (for design dossiers for new construction, first-time construction) or 10 working days (for design dossiers for replacement, repair and restoration), from the date of receipt of complete dossiers; If the requirements are met, the inspecting organization shall conduct the design appraisal, if not meeting the requirements, reply to the organization or individual; if satisfying the requirements, issue a certificate of appraisal of fishing vessel design according to Form No. 02.BD Appendix VI issued together with this Circular and sign and stamp the appraisal on the design document;

dd) The inspecting organization returns the results directly at the place where the dossier is received or sent via postal service.

According to this Article, dossiers and procedures for appraisal of fishing vessel design documents in Vietnam will be implemented in accordance with the above regulations.

Which agency issues Certificates of fishing vessel technical safety in Vietnam?

In Article 17 of Circular 23/2018/TT-BNNPTNT as amended by Article 5 of Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT stipulating issue Certificate of fishing vessel technical safety as follows:

1. Entitlement to issue the Certificate of fishing vessel technical safety: fishing vessel registration facilities.

2. Application consists of:

a) Written application for issuance of Certificate of fishing vessel technical safety using Form No. 03.BD under Appendix VI attached hereto;

b) Copy of appraised design dossiers (for building new or modifying fishing vessels).

3. Procedures for implementation:

a) Applicants shall submit application in person or via postal service or online to fishing vessel registration facilities;

b) For application in person: Fishing vessel registration facilities shall inspect the application composition and respond immediately;

c) For application via postal service or online: Within 2 working days, fishing vessel registration facilities shall inspect the applications for adequate composition; in case of inadequate application, fishing vessel registration facilities shall inform the applicants;

d) Within 1 working day from the date on which adequate application is received, fishing vessel registration facilities shall agree with the applicants on time and location of physical inspection;

dd) Fishing vessel registration facilities shall supervise fishing vessel technical safety in accordance with technical regulations on fishing vessels and relevant standards, technical regulations. With respect to materials, machinery, and equipment under Appendix XI attached hereto, applicants for Certificate of fishing vessel technical safety must submit (copies and original copy or certified true copies) of the Certificate of conformity (for domestically manufactured materials, machinery, and equipment) or Certificate of origin, quality control (for imported materials, machinery, and equipment) or certificate of inspection as per the law before the installation on the fishing vessels.

e) In case primary machines are used marine engines which do not satisfy Point d of this Clause, fishing vessel registration facilities shall inspect and assess using Form No. 07.BD under Appendix VI attached hereto;

g) If the inspection results are not qualified, within 2 working days from the date on which technical supervision is done, fishing vessel registration facilities shall inform the applications; if the inspection results are qualified, within 3 working days from the date on which the inspection is done, fishing vessel registration facilities shall issue:

Fishing vessel technical inspection record is made using Form No. 04a.BD through Form No. 04n.BD under Appendix VI attached hereto;

Certificate of fishing vessel technical safety is made using Form No. 05.BD under Appendix VI attached hereto;

Fishing vessel registration record for inspection of new build or first inspection is made using Form No. 06.BD under Appendix VI attached hereto;

h) Fishing vessel registration facilities shall return the result at reception or via postal service.

Thus, the authority to issue the Certificate of fishing vessel technical safety is the basis for the registration of fishing vessels. Dossier and procedures for granting a Certificate of fishing vessel technical safety shall comply with the above provisions in Vietnam.

Best regards!

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