Conditions for Individuals Assigned to Training for Positions Directly Involved in Dispatch Operations at the Provincial Distribution Dispatch Level
Article 15 of the Procedure for Inspection and Issuance of Operational Certificates for Titles Directly Involved in the Dispatching and Operation of the National Power System, issued in conjunction with Decision 69/QD-DTDL in 2018, stipulates:
Conditions for personnel assigned for training in positions directly involved in dispatching at the Provincial Distribution Dispatch Level are as follows:
Graduated from a university with a major suitable for the position assigned for training.
Have a clear background and are not currently under criminal investigation.
Possess foreign language proficiency that meets the requirements of the Electricity Distribution Unit.
Be no older than 35 years of age for individuals being assigned for initial training in the position of Provincial Distribution Dispatcher. In cases where individuals have worked in power plant and grid operation for 3 years or more, they may be over 35 years but not exceed 45 years of age.
For current operational staff holding the position of Shift Leader at a power station, if assigned for training to potentially become a Provincial Distribution Dispatcher, the age requirement in this Clause does not apply.
Have sufficient health to work according to shift and team policies for the title of Dispatcher and SCADA/DMS Engineer in the provincial distribution power system.
Meet other conditions specified by the Electricity Distribution Unit for each specific title.
The above outlines the conditions for personnel assigned for training in titles directly involved in dispatching at the Provincial Distribution Dispatch Level.