09:40 | 21/09/2024

What are rhetorical devices according to Vietnamese Literature curriculum? At which educational level are rhetorical devices taught in Vietnam?

What are rhetorical devices according to Vietnamese Literature curriculum? At which educational level are rhetorical devices taught in Vietnam?

What are rhetorical devices according to Vietnamese Literature curriculum?

A rhetorical device consists of special ways of using words, not according to their usual meaning, in order to emphasize, highlight ideas, create vivid images, sounds, and emotions, making a strong impression on the reader or listener.

In simpler terms, rhetorical devices are "techniques" that writers and speakers use to make sentences or poems more engaging, lively, and easier to understand.

- Some common types of rhetorical devices:

+ Simile: Comparing one thing or phenomenon to another to highlight the characteristics of the thing or phenomenon being compared. Example: "Trẻ em như búp trên cành."

+ Personification: Attributing human characteristics or actions to objects, trees, or animals. Example: "Cây bàng già đứng trầm ngâm suy nghĩ."

+ Metaphor: Using one thing or phenomenon to name another with similar traits. Example:"Bàn tay mẹ là mái nhà che chở."

+ Metonymy: Using a part to represent the whole, or using something specific to represent something abstract. Example: "Cái nôi của cách mạng."

+ Repetition: Repeating a word or phrase multiple times to emphasize a point. Example: "Đi đi em, khi trời vừa tang tảng."

+ Rhetorical question: Asking a question not to seek an answer but to affirm or deny something. Example: "Ai cũng biết rằng tình yêu thương là rất quan trọng."

+ Enumeration: Listing many words or phrases of the same type to increase the evocative and emotional power. Example: "Trời xanh, biển rộng, cát trắng."

Note: The information is for reference purposes only./.

What is a rhetorical device?

What are rhetorical devices according to Vietnamese Literature curriculum?​ (Image from the Internet)

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At which educational level are rhetorical devices taught in Vietnam?

Based on Section IV of the General Education Program for the Literature subject issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the required competencies for the Vietnamese language in the general education program for Literature are detailed as follows:

- Required competencies in general qualities and competencies

The Literature subject contributes to forming and developing in students the essential qualities and general competencies at levels suitable to the subject and educational level as specified in the overall program.

- Required competencies in specific skills

+ Required competencies at the primary school level

++ Language competency

Read correctly, fluently, and expressively; understand the main content of texts, mainly explicit content; initially understand implicit content like the theme or lesson drawn from the read texts.

At the primary level, reading requirements include technical reading skills and reading comprehension skills. For students in the early grades (grades 1 and 2), emphasis is placed on reading correctly at an appropriate speed and understanding simple text content. For students in grades 3, 4, and 5, more emphasis is placed on understanding specific content, the theme, and lessons drawn from the text.

From grades 1 to 3, students should write correctly in terms of spelling, vocabulary, and grammar; be able to write some sentences and short paragraphs; in grades 4 and 5, they should begin writing complete short essays, mainly narrative, descriptive, and simple introductory essays.

They should be able to write texts retelling stories they have read, events they have witnessed or participated in, and stories they have imagined; describe familiar objects and phenomena; introduce objects and activities close to their lives. Write paragraphs expressing their feelings and thoughts when reading a story or poem, witnessing an event that evokes many feelings; give opinions on a simple problem in study and life; write various types of texts such as autobiographies, messages, invitations, schedules, applications,...; initially know how to write according to a process; essays should have three parts (introduction, body, conclusion).

Present ideas and emotions clearly; initially know how to use appropriate gestures when speaking; retell clearly stories they have read or heard; share and exchange their emotions, attitudes, and thoughts about discussed issues; explain a simple object or process.

Listen and understand with an appropriate attitude and grasp the basic content; recognize the speaker's emotions; know how to respond to what they have heard.

+ Literary competency

Distinguish between narrative and poetry texts (narrative and verse texts); recognize the content of the text and the attitudes, emotions, and feelings of the writer; initially understand the effect of some formal elements of literary texts (words, characters, storyline, verse, similes, personifications). Know how to associate, imagine, and express literary value in writing and speaking.

For students in grades 1 and 2: recognize who or what the text is about; recognize characters in stories and rhymes in poems; distinguish between narrative and poetic texts.

For students in grades 3, 4, and 5: know how to read literary texts expressively; retell and summarize the main content of stories and poems; comment on characters, events, and the attitudes and feelings of the writer in the text; identify time and place, some types of rhymes, rhythms, words, beautiful and unique images, and the effects of rhetorical devices like personification and comparison. Understand the meaning or lesson drawn from the text. Write paragraphs or essays narrating stories, describing, expressing emotions, and demonstrating the ability to associate and imagine.

Thus, rhetorical devices are taught at the primary level and may continue and be advanced in lower and upper secondary school levels.

What are methods of teaching reading for the Vietnamese subject to primary school students in Vietnam?

Based on sub-item 3, Item 6 of the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the regulations on teaching reading methods for primary school students when learning Vietnamese are as follows:

(1) Teaching general reading comprehension:

Require students to read the entire text directly, paying attention to the formal elements of the text to get a general impression and summarize the main content;

Organize students to search, discover, analyze, and infer the meanings of information, messages, viewpoints, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, etc., conveyed in the text; guide students to relate and compare texts, connect texts with historical, cultural, and social contexts, connect texts with students' personal experiences, etc., to understand the text's value deeper, know how to apply and transform those values into personal beliefs and behaviors in daily life.

(2) Teaching reading comprehension of literary texts: Literary texts are also a type of text, so teaching literary text comprehension should comply with general text comprehension methods.

However, literary texts have unique characteristics, so teachers should organize students to explore and decode literary texts according to a process suitable to the artistic text's nature.

Students need guidance and practice reading literary works from perceiving verbal texts to exploring the artistic image world and seeking and concluding the content and meaning; skills to find and explain the relationship between the "whole" and the "part" details of the text, discovering the text’s holistic nature, content unity, and form completeness.

The teaching method should focus on activating positive and creative reading in the reader.

Guide and encourage students to be proactive, confident, and develop the role of "co-creators" in receiving works; engage in creating meaning for the text; know how to compare, relate, expand, mobilize individual knowledge, use life experiences to understand, experience literature, discover moral values, culture, and life philosophies, and then apply and transform them into life values.

When teaching reading comprehension, teachers should help students self-discover messages and meanings, filling the text's "gaps." Teachers provide suggestions but should not replace students' thoughts with their analysis and comments; avoid rote learning and limit mechanical memorization.

Use various types of questions at different levels to implement differentiated teaching and guide students to comprehend texts, form reading skills.

Depending on the students’ levels and the genre of literary texts, apply suitable teaching methods, techniques, and forms for reading comprehension, such as:

Expressive reading, role reading, storytelling, acting out scenes to solve situations, drama, using questions, guiding note-taking during reading with record sheets, learning sheets, reading diaries, organizing student discussions about the text, transforming literary works from one genre to another, drawing, making films, experiencing situations characters have gone through, etc.

Other teaching methods, such as dialogue, questioning, lecturing, and problem-posing, should also be appropriately applied to the requirement of developing students' competencies.

>> See the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:


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