4 reasons why citizens in Vietnam should apply for temporary residence beginning July 1, 2021

From 1/7/2021, Residence Law 2020 and the guiding documents on the implementation of the Residence Law will officially take effect, in which there are more favorable regulations for the citizens. Below are 4 reasons why citizens in Vietnam should apply for temporary residence beginning July 1, 2021.

4 reasons why citizens in Vietnam should apply for temporary residence beginning July 1, 2021(Artwork)

1. The application for temporary residence is simpler in Vietnam

According to Clause 1, Article 28 of the Residence Law 2020, the application for temporary residence registration includes:

- Declaration of change to residence information; if the applicant is a minor, the declaration must include the permission from either of their parents or guardian, unless a written permission has been obtained;

- Written proof of ownership of lawful place of residence.

Currently, Clause 3, Article 30 of the Residence Law 2006 (which expires on July 1, 2021) stipulates as follows:

Persons who come to register their temporary residence shall produce their people's identity cards or papers certified by the police offices of the communes, wards or townships where they have registered their permanent residence; papers evidencing their rights to own or use such dwelling houses; submit the written notification of changes in household registration, the number of household members, household member declaration; where the lawful domiciles are leased, lent or let for free-of-charge stay by individuals, written consent of the lessors, lenders or such individuals is required.

Thus, from July 1, 2021, people do not need the written consent of the landlord when registering for a temporary residence, so the procedure for temporary residence registration will be simpler.

On the other hand, it will be possible to apply for temporary residence online in the near future. Specifically, according to Decision 406/QD-TTg dated March 22, 2021, approving the list of integrated online public services to be provided on the National Public Service Portal in 2021, procedures such as regular residence registration, temporary residence registration, temporary absence declaration, stay notice... will soon be integrated on the National Public Service Portal and is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2021. From there, people can make temporary residence registration online more easily.

2. Apply for a temporary residence permit so that your permanent residence registration will not be annulled in Vietnam.

Clause 1, Article 24 of the Residence Law 2020 stipulates cases where permanent residence registration of a person will be annulled in which

The person is absent from their permanent residence for 12 consecutive months or more without registering any other place of residence as their temporary one or declaring temporary absence, unless they go abroad for any purpose besides permanent residence or serve a sentence in a prison, rehabilitation center or correctional institution;

Therefore, the registration of temporary residence at the new place of residence is a way for people not to have their permanent residence registration removed from July 1, 2021.

3. Apply for temporary residence to register the issuance of citizen ID card with chip at temporary residence in Vietnam

According to Article 10 of Circular 59/2021/TT-BCA and Article 4 of Circular 60/2021/TT-BCA, which stipulates:

Citizens shall apply at competent police authorities where the citizens register for temporary, permanent residence in person for issuance, revision, re-issuance of Citizen Identity Cards.

Previously, people only carried out procedures for granting CID card at places where citizens permanently resided. In addition, they only issue CID cards with chips to temporary residents in some big cities.

Therefore, people (especially those who are studying and working away from home) should go through the procedures for temporary residence registration so that they can carry out the procedure for granting and changing the CID card with a chip at their temporary residence without having to return their hometown.

4. Failure to register a temporary residence can result in significant fines.

According to Clause 1, Article 27 of the Residence Law 2020, citizens come to live in a lawful place of residence outside the commune-level administrative unit where they have registered their permanent residence to work, study or for other purposes for a period of 30 days. If you are older, you must apply for temporary residence registration.

Failure to register for temporary residence in accordance with regulations will result in a fine ranging from VND 100,000 to VND 300,000 (point a, clause 1, Article 8 of Decree 167/2013/ND-CP). In addition, according to the Draft Decree replacing Decree 167/2013/ND-CP, this behavior can be fined from 300,000 VND to 500,000 VND.

Bao Ngoc


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