Strengthening the inspection of the implementation of regulations on continuing education in Vietnam

Strengthening the inspection of the implementation of regulations on continuing education in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

On July 30, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 3933/BGDDT-GDTX regarding the guidance for the implementation of tasks for the academic year 2024-2025 for continuing education.

Strengthening the inspection of the implementation of regulations on continuing education in Vietnam

Regarding the task of strengthening the inspection of the implementation of regulations on continuing education in Vietnam, the details are as follows:

- Enhance the work of inspection, checking, and supervision of state management over continuing education and the administration of continuing education institutions; promptly recommend localities and institutions to ensure the quality and increase the social accountability of continuing education institutions in line with promoting administrative decentralization, enhancing autonomy and accountability in conjunction with the responsibility of the heads of continuing education institutions; strengthen the inspection and review of the implementation of center regulations; direct and manage expenditures according to regulations; ensure the quality of continuing education programs. Review and equip the necessary physical and equipment conditions to make the community learning center headquarters clearly recognizable in the communes (working rooms, center signboards, equipment, working computers...). Attention should be paid to the quality of the teaching staff, including foreign teachers teaching at these centers.

- Strengthen the inspection and evaluation of the implementation results of the scheme for building a learning society in the localities within the province (specialized inspections or through professional inspections); inspect and evaluate the implementation of the Lifelong Learning Week, Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day in conjunction with promoting learning, talent encouragement, and building a learning society in educational institutions. Train on methods and skills to implement the Lifelong Learning Week and Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day, especially in difficult areas, incorporating them with local national target programs to promote reading culture activities, thereby contributing to the revival of Vietnamese culture and sustainable socio-economic and cultural development.

- Timely overcome/direct the overcoming of any limitations and shortcomings (if any) in the inspection result notices of the management levels.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 3933/BGDDT-GDTX dated July 30, 2024.


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