Number of deputy directors of departments in Vietnam in accordance with Decree 45/2025/ND-CP

Number of deputy directors of departments in Vietnam in accordance with Decree 45/2025/ND-CP
Le Truong Quoc Dat

Content of the following article is the number of deputy directors of departments under the regulations on the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees of provinces and centrally affiliated cities in Vietnam.

Number  of  Deputy  Directors  of  Departments  according  to  Decree  45/2025/ND-CP

Number of deputy directors of departments in Vietnam in accordance with Decree 45/2025/ND-CP​ (Image from the Internet)

The Government of Vietnam issued Decree 45/2025/ND-CP on February 28, 2025, regulating the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees of provinces, centrally affiliated cities, and district-level towns, cities under the province, and cities under centrally affiliated cities.

Number of deputy directors of departments in Vietnam in accordance with Decree 45/2025/ND-CP

According to Article 6 of Decree 45/2025/ND-CP regulating the heads, deputies of the heads of departments, and the number of deputies in the organizations under the department:

- Heads, deputies of heads of departments

+ The head of a department under the Provincial People's Committee (hereinafter referred to as Director of Department) is appointed by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and is responsible before the People's Committee, the Chairman, and the law for performing the functions, duties, and powers of the department according to the working regulations and assignments of the Provincial People's Committee;

+ The deputy of the head of a department under the Provincial People's Committee (hereinafter referred to as Deputy Director of Department) is appointed by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee upon the recommendation of the Director of Department, assisting the Director in performing one or several specific tasks assigned by the Director and is responsible before the Director and the law for the tasks assigned. In the absence of the Director, a Deputy Director of Department is authorized by the Director to manage the department's activities. A Deputy Director of Department does not concurrently serve as the head of an organization or unit under or affiliated with the department, unless otherwise stipulated by law;

+ Number of Deputy Directors of Departments

On  average,  each  department  has  03  Deputy  Directors.  Based  on  the  number  of  established  departments  and  the  total  number  of  Deputy  Directors,  the  Provincial  People's  Committee  decides  the  specific  number  of  Deputy  Directors  for  each  department  appropriately.  Particularly  for  Hanoi  and  Ho  Chi  Minh  City,  in  addition  to  the  total  number  of  Deputy  Directors  calculated  on  a  common  average  basis,  each  city  may  increase  by  no  more  than  10  Deputy  Directors.

- Number of Deputy Heads of specialized units under the department

+ Units under departments in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City with fewer than 10 staff, departments under a level I province with fewer than 09 staff, and departments under level II and III provinces with fewer than 08 staff are allocated 01 Deputy Head;

+ Units under departments in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City with 10 to 14 staff, departments under a level I province with 09 to 14 staff, and departments under level II and III provinces with 08 to 14 staff are allocated no more than 02 Deputy Heads;

+ Units under departments with 15 or more staff are allocated no more than 03 Deputy Heads.

- Number of Deputy Heads of Departmental Inspectorates

+ An inspectorate with fewer than 08 staff is allocated 01 Deputy Head of Inspectorate;

+ An inspectorate with 08 staff or more is allocated no more than 02 Deputy Heads of Inspectorate.

- The number of Deputy Heads of Department Offices is implemented as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 6 of Decree 45/2025/ND-CP.

- Number of Deputy Chiefs of Sub-departments under the department

+ A sub-department with 01 to 03 units, or equivalent is allocated 01 Deputy Chief;

+ A sub-department without units or with 04 units or equivalent or more is allocated no more than 02 Deputy Chiefs.

- The number of Deputy Heads of Units under the sub-department of the department applies according to Clause 2, Article 6 of Decree 45/2025/ND-CP.

Therefore, according to the above regulation on the number of Deputy Directors of Departments, on average, each department has 03 Deputy Directors. Based on the number of established departments and the total number of Deputy Directors, the Provincial People's Committee decides the specific number of Deputy Directors for each department appropriately. Particularly for Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, aside from the total number of Deputy Directors calculated on a common average basis, each city may increase by no more than 10 Deputy Directors.

Decree 45/2025/ND-CP takes effect from March 1, 2025.


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