Tasks and powers of the National Library of Vietnam

Tasks and powers of the National Library of Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What are the tasks and powers of the National Library of Vietnam? What are the regulations on organizational structure of the National Library of Vietnam? – Van Quy (HCMC)

Tasks and powers of the National Library of Vietnam

Tasks and powers of the National Library of Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Tasks and powers of the National Library of Vietnam

The tasks and powers of the National Library of Vietnam include:

- Submitting to the Minister the development planning, long-term, and annual operation plan of the Library and organize the implementation after it is approved.

- Collecting, building, and long-term preservation of a treasure trove of publications deposited in the country and long-term preservation of national documents and selected foreign documents in all traditional and electronic formats according to regulations of the Law.

- Receiving and depositing Vietnamese publications, doctoral dissertations of Vietnamese citizens protected at home and abroad, and foreign citizens protected in Vietnam.

- Supplementing, exchanging, and accepting donations of documents from domestic and foreign organizations and individuals according to the provisions of law.

- Technical processing of documents according to uniform professional standards as prescribed by law.

- Building a document database of Vietnam, a document consortium database of Vietnamese libraries. Compiling and publishing the national bibliography and coordinating with the central libraries of ministries, branches, and domestic library systems in compiling and publishing the Vietnam General Directory, Vietnam Library Journal, professional documents and other information products.

- Organizing the service of domestic and foreign readers using library materials and participating in activities organized by the library; organizing information, propagating, and introducing library materials; organizing events, conferences, and seminars; popularizing serving political, cultural, economic, social, national defense, and foreign affairs tasks of the country; and researching, studying, and entertaining the needs of the community as assigned by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism and in accordance with law.

- Conducting scientific research on libraries and library-related fields and applying science and technology to library activities.

- Organizing professional and professional training and retraining for librarians and guiding libraries nationwide as assigned by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

- International cooperation in the field of libraries: participating in international organizations in the field of libraries, building and receiving funding for projects in the field of libraries in accordance with the law.

- Archiving documents with the content specified in Clause 1, Article 5 of the Library Ordinance (the document has expired) and serving readers in accordance with the law.

- Organizing service activities in accordance with assigned functions and tasks in accordance with the law.

- Implementing and maintaining discipline according to the Library's working rules; ensuring safety, security, and the environmental landscape managed by the Library.

- Determining the job position and the structure of public employees according to their professional titles and the number of people working and submitting them to competent authorities for approval; organizational management, personnel; implementing regimes and policies for civil servants, public employees, and employees under the management of the Library, according to the provisions of law and the management decentralization of the Ministry.

- Managing and using finance, assigned assets, the allocated budget, and other revenue sources as prescribed by law.

- Performing other duties assigned by the Minister.

(Article 2 of Decision 888/QD-BVHTTDL in 2014)

2. Organizational structure of the National Library of Vietnam

Library Heads:

Director and Deputy Directors.

- Function rooms:

+ Department of Administration and Organization;

+ Legal Deposit Division

+ Acquisition and International Exchange Division

+ Cataloguing Division

+ Newspapers and Journal Reading Rooms Division;

+ Book Reading Rooms Division

+ Reference Division

+ Research and Professional Guidance Division

+ International Relations Division

+ Informatics Division

+ Preservation Division

+ Vietnamese Library Journal Division

+ Security Division.

The Director of the National Library of Vietnam is responsible for specifying specific tasks, arranging and arranging officials according to the structure of titles, professional standards, and employees for the functional departments; formulating and promulgating regulations on the organization and operation of the Library.

(Article 3 of Decision 888/QD-BVHTTDL in 2014)


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