Standards and conditions for examination or consideration for promotion to teacher professional titles in Vietnam

What are the standards and conditions for examination or consideration for promotion to teacher professional titles in Vietnam? - Khanh My (Ha Tien, Vietnam)

Tiêu chuẩn, điều kiện thi hoặc xét thăng hạng chức danh nghề nghiệp giáo viên

Standards and conditions for examination or consideration for promotion to teacher professional titles in Vietnam (Internet image)

This problem, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Standards and conditions for examination or consideration for promotion to teacher professional titles in Vietnam

According to Article 3 of Circular 34/2021/TT-BGDDT, teachers may register to take the exam or be considered for promotion to the next higher professional title when they fully meet the following criteria and conditions:

- The educational institution has the need and is sent by the head of the competent management agency to take the exam or consider promotion to professional titles.

- Being graded at the level of completing tasks well or higher in the working year preceding the year of taking the exam or considering promotion to professional titles;

Having good political qualities and professional ethics; not within the time limit for disciplinary action, not during the implementation of regulations related to public employee discipline specified in Article 56 of the Law on Public Employees 2010 (amended in 2019).

- Having been appointed with the professional title of teacher in line with the current position.

- Satisfying the standards of training and retraining qualifications and standards of professional and professional competence of the class registered for examination or consideration for promotion according to current regulations on standards for teacher professional titles issued by the Ministry of Education and Training.

In case teachers are eligible for exemption from foreign language and computer science exams as prescribed in Clauses 6 and 7, Article 39 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP:

+ Exemption from the foreign language test in the following cases:

++ Public employees, by the month of full retirement age, have less than 05 years of service;

++ Officials with certificates of ethnic minority languages or ethnic minorities who are working in ethnic minority areas;

++ Officials possessing university or postgraduate degrees in foreign languages or having diplomas in foreign languages with the same training level compared to their professional and professional training levels specified in the standards of the contested professional title;

++ Officials possessing a university or post-graduate diploma or a diploma according to the requirements of the training level compared to the professional training level specified in the standards of professional titles to study abroad or study in a foreign language in Vietnam, recognized by a competent authority;

+ Exemption from the computer exam for those who have an intermediate or higher diploma in a discipline related to informatics and information technology.

Pre-university teachers, when applying Circular 34/2021/TT-BGDDT to consider for promotion, must meet the standards of training and retraining qualifications and standards on professional and professional capacity at the registration level for consideration, according to regulations on professional title standards for pre-university teachers promulgated by competent authorities.

2. Application for examination or consideration for promotion to the professional title of a teacher in Vietnam

According to Article 4 of Circular 34/2021/TT-BGDDT, the application file for registration for examination or consideration for promotion to the professional title of a teacher includes:

- According to current regulations, resumes of public employees are made no later than 30 days before the deadline for submission of application documents or consideration for promotion to professional titles; they are certified by the agency or unit employing public employees;

- Comments and evaluations of the head of the public non-business unit employing public employees or the head of the competent agency managing the public non-business unit on the criteria and conditions for exam registration or considering promoting professional titles of public employees according to regulations;

- Copies of diplomas and certificates at the request of the professional title to be contested or considered for promotion;

In case the public employee has a professional diploma and has qualified for output in foreign languages and informatics according to regulations, which corresponds to the requirements of the professional title to take the exam or consider for promotion, they are used instead of certificates in foreign languages and informatics;

In case public employees are exempted from foreign language and computer science exams as prescribed in Clauses 6 and 7, Article 39 of Circular 34/2021/TT-BGDDT, they will be exempted from foreign language certificates and informatics certificates;

- Other requirements as prescribed by professional title standards for competition or promotion consideration.

In case of registration for consideration for promotion to professional titles, apart from the documents specified in Clause 1, Article 4 of Circular 34/2021/TT-BGDDT, it is necessary to submit proof of meeting the standards of the professional title class registered for consideration, according to the instructions in the appendix attached to Circular 34/2021/TT-BGDDT.

Vo Van Hieu


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