Regulations on the Textbook Selection Council in Vietnam

What are the regulations on the Textbook Selection Council in Vietnam? What is the structure and standards of Council members? - Thu Ha (Hanoi)

Regulations on the Textbook Selection Council in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 25/2020/TT-BGDDT, The Textbook Selection Council (collectively referred to as the Council) is established by the People's Committee of the province or centrally run city (Provincial People's Committee),
helping the Provincial People's Committee organize textbook selection.

Each subject of a level of study establishes 01 (one) Council, the number of Council members is an odd number, at least 15 (fifteen) people; of which at least 2/3 (two-thirds) are heads of professional groups and teachers who are directly teaching the subject of that educational level.

Duties of the Council:

- Select textbooks according to the provisions of this Circular and the criteria for selecting textbooks prescribed by the Provincial People's Committee;

- Propose a list of textbooks for use in general education establishments to the Provincial People's Committee;

- Report to the Provincial People's Committee on the process of implementing tasks and receiving comments on textbook selection proposals from general education institutions.

Regulations on the Textbook Selection Council in Vietnam

Regulations on the Textbook Selection Council in Vietnam (Internet image)

Structure and standards of Council members in Vietnam

The structure and standards of Council members are specified in Article 5 of Circular 25/2020/TT-BGDDT as follows:

- The Chairman of the Council is the Director or Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training, Department of Education, Science, and Technology (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Department of Education and Training).

- The Vice Chairman of the Council is the Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training or the leader of a specialized department of the Department of Education and Training.

- The Council Secretary is an expert in a specialized department of the Department of Education and Training or an expert in the Department of Education and Training at district, town, or provincial city levels (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Education and Training) or leaders of general education institutions by educational level.

- Council members are leaders and specialists of specialized departments of the Department of Education and Training, the Office of Education and Training, and leaders, heads of professional groups, and teachers of general education institutions in different areas of the province. For commissioners who are teachers, they must have at least 5 (five) years of teaching experience at general education establishments.

- People who have participated in compiling, directing the compilation, appraisal, publishing, and printing of textbooks on the list of textbooks approved by the Minister of Education and Training are not allowed to participate in the Council.

Duties and powers of Council members in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 6 of Circular 25/2020/TT-BGDDT, the duties and powers of Council members as follows:

(1) Duties and powers of the Council Chairman:

- Be responsible to the Provincial People's Committee for the Council's activities; develop and organize the implementation of the Council's activity plan;

- Assign tasks to the Vice Chairman of the Council, Council Secretary, and Council Members;

- Handle according to authority and propose to the Provincial People's Committee to handle situations that arise during the process of selecting textbooks;

- Perform the following other duties and powers:

+ Research criteria for selecting textbooks, textbooks, and related documents provided by the Council; fully participate in Council meetings;

+ Have written comments, evaluation, and selection of textbooks; have opinions and take responsibility for opinions, comments, evaluation, and selection of textbooks;

(2) Duties and powers of the Vice Chairman of the Council:

- Responsible for the work content assigned by the Chairman of the Council;

- Perform the following other duties and powers:

+ Research criteria for selecting textbooks, textbooks, and related documents provided by the Council; fully participate in Council meetings;

+ Have written comments, evaluation, and selection of textbooks; have opinions and take responsibility for opinions, comments, evaluation, and selection of textbooks;

+ Perform other tasks assigned by the Chairman of the Council.

(3) Duties and powers of the Council Secretary:

- Help the Chairman of the Council prepare content and develop the Council's work program according to plan;

- Prepare minutes summarizing the opinions of Council members;

- Perform the following other duties and powers:

+ Research criteria for selecting textbooks, textbooks, and related documents provided by the Council; fully participate in Council meetings;

+ Have written comments, evaluation, and selection of textbooks; have opinions and take responsibility for opinions, comments, evaluation, and selection of textbooks;

+ Perform other tasks assigned by the Chairman of the Council.

(4) Duties and powers of Council members:

- Research criteria for selecting textbooks and related documents provided by the Council; fully participate in Council meetings;

- Have written comments, evaluation, and selection of textbooks; have opinions and take responsibility for opinions, comments, evaluation, and selection of textbooks;

- In case you cannot attend the Council meeting, you must report, obtain the consent of the Council Chairman, and send written comments, evaluations, and textbook selections to the Council Chairman before the meeting is held; Written opinions on the textbook selection of absent Council members will be counted in the results of textbook selection in the first vote of the Council;

- Perform other tasks assigned by the Chairman of the Council.

Mai Thanh Loi


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