Procedures for issuing certificates of eligibility for doing the sports business for swimming and diving in Vietnam

Procedures for issuing certificates of eligibility for doing the sports business for swimming and diving in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What are the procedures for issuing certificates of eligibility for doing the sports business for swimming and diving in Vietnam? – Cam Tu (Ha Tinh)

Procedures for issuing certificates of eligibility for doing the sports business for swimming and diving in Vietnam

Procedures for issuing certificates of eligibility for doing the sports business for swimming and diving in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows: 

The procedures for issuing certificates of eligibility for doing the sports business for swimming and diving are regulated by Decision 775/QD-BVHTTDL in 2024 as follows:

1. Applications for certificates of eligibility for doing the sports business for swimming and diving in Vietnam

- Components of the application:

(1) Application for certificate of eligibility for doing the sports business (according to template 02 specified in Appendix III of Decree 31/2024/ND-CP dated March 15, 2024)

(2) Copy of the business registration certificate;

(3) Summary of the preparation of business conditions (according to template 3 specified in Appendix of Decree 36/2019/ND-CP dated April 29, 2019), including:

- Number of sets of documents: (01) set.

- Submission methods: Submit documents by post, electronically, or directly.

2. Procedures for issuing certificates of eligibility for doing the sports business for swimming and diving in Vietnam

- The enterprise submits the application by post or electronically, or it submits it directly to the specialized agency for physical education and sports under the People's Committee at the provincial level where the sports activities are registered or where the enterprise has its main office in the case of the enterprise having multiple locations for sports activities.

- The specialized agency for physical education and sports under the provincial People's Committee (hereinafter referred to as the issuing authority) issues a receipt for the application to the enterprise.

- In the event that the application needs to be amended or supplemented, the issuing authority shall notify the enterprise directly or in writing of the content that needs to be amended or supplemented within a period of 03 working days from the date of receiving the application.

3. Conditions for issuing certificates of eligibility for doing the sports business for swimming and diving in Vietnam

(1) Facilities, training equipment

a) Swimming pool:

- Size: The swimming pool is constructed or installed with a size not smaller than 6m x 12m or an equivalent area;

- The pool bottom has a uniform slope, no bends, and a depth difference of not more than 01m for swimming pools with a length of 25m or more, or not more than 0.5m for swimming pools with a length less than 25m;

- The pool walls and bottom have smooth and easy-to-clean surfaces.

b) Starting platforms are only installed for swimming pools with a depth of not less than 1.35m.

c) There are changing rooms, shower areas, and sanitary areas; the floors of these areas and around the swimming pool must be flat, without water accumulation, and non-slip.

d) Foot washing areas are placed before individuals enter the pool.

e) There is a functioning sound system.

f) The lighting system ensures a brightness of not less than 300 Lux at all locations on the surface of the swimming pool.

g) Floating ropes are stretched to divide the areas of the swimming pool.

h) Rescue equipment:

- Rescue poles are placed on the pool walls at convenient, easily observable, and usable positions, with a length of 2.5m, painted red and white. Each swimming pool must have at least 06 poles;

- Lifebuoys are placed on the pool walls in convenient positions for use. Each swimming pool must have at least 06 lifebuoys;

- Rescue chairs are placed on the pool walls in a convenient and easily observable position for lifeguards, with a height of at least 1.5m above the pool surface.

i) Rules board, signs:

- Rules boards and signs are placed in different directions and positions, making them easy to read and observe;

- The rules board includes the following main contents: training hours, safety measures, regulations on individuals not allowed to participate in training, and other regulations;

- Signs for areas for non-swimmers (with a depth of 01m or less), areas for swimmers, and areas prohibited for diving (with a depth of less than 1.4m).

(2) Facilities, competition equipment

a) Complying with the regulations mentioned in points a, b, c, d, e, g of item (1) above.

b) There must be a swimming lane at least 02m wide, separated by floating ropes to reduce waves.

(3) Classroom density, training guidance, and rescue

a) The training density must ensure at least 01 person/01m2 in shallow water areas (depth below 01m) or 01 person/02m2 in deep water areas (depth of 01m or more).

b) Each training instructor is only allowed to guide a maximum of 30 people, or a maximum of 20 people for children under 10 years old in one training session.

c) Lifeguards must be present when there are people participating in training and competitions. The number of lifeguards must ensure at least 200m2 of pool surface area/01 lifeguard, and in the case of a large number of people participating in training, at least 50 swimmers/01 lifeguard at the same time.

(4) Professional staff: There must be a suitable team of professional officers and staff for the activities.


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