Information displayed on ID cards about places of residence in Vietnam

Information displayed on ID cards about places of residence in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

Below are the regulations on the information displayed on ID cards about places of residence in Vietnam

Content  displayed  on  the  identity  card  for  information  about  the  place  of  residence

Information displayed on ID cards about places of residence in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

1. Information displayed on ID cards about places of residence in Vietnam 

The Information displayed on ID cards about places of residence in Vietnam according to Article 4 of Circular 17/2024/TT-BCA is as follows:

- The residence information displayed on the identity card is the permanent residence information of the person granted the identity card.

- In the case of an applicant for the issuance, renewal, or reissuance of the identity card who has no permanent residence but has a temporary residence, the residence information displayed on the identity card is the temporary residence information of the person granted the card.

- In the case of an applicant for the issuance, renewal, or reissuance of the identity card who has no permanent residence or temporary residence because they do not meet the conditions for registering permanent or temporary residence, the residence information displayed on the identity card is the current address of the person granted the card.

- In the case of an applicant for the issuance, renewal, or reissuance of the identity card who has no residence information in the National Population Database, the identity management authority is responsible for guiding the citizen in carrying out the procedures for registering permanent or temporary residence or reporting residence information. For Vietnamese citizens residing abroad with no residence in Vietnam, the residence information on the identity card will display the overseas residence address (clearly spelled out in Vietnamese).

2. Uses of ID cards in Vietnam

The Uses of ID cards in Vietnam  according to Article 20 of the Law on Identification 2023 is as follows:

- The identity card serves as proof of identity and other information integrated into the card for administrative procedures, public services, transactions, and other activities within the territory of Vietnam.

- The identity card can be used instead of exit and entry documents in cases where the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and a foreign country have signed treaties or international agreements allowing their citizens to use the identity card instead of exit and entry documents within each other's territory.

- The identity card or personal identification number can be used by agencies, organizations, and individuals to check information about the cardholder in the National Population Database, other national databases, and specialized databases as prescribed by law.

In cases where the identity cardholder must present the card at the request of competent authorities, organizations, or individuals, those authorities, organizations, or individuals cannot request the cardholder to provide documents or information already printed or integrated into the card. If the information has changed from what is on the card, the cardholder must provide legal documents proving the updated information.

- The state protects the rights and legitimate interests of the identity cardholder according to the provisions of the law.

3. Procedures for issuance of ID cards in Vietnam

The Procedures for issuance of ID cards in Vietnam according to Article 23 of the Law on Identification 2023 is as follows:

- The process and procedures for issuing an identity card to individuals aged 14 and older are as follows:

+ The receiver checks and compares the information of the applicant from the National Population Database, other national databases, and specialized databases to accurately identify the applicant. If the applicant's information is not available in the National Population Database, the procedures for updating and adjusting information in the database must be carried out according to provisions in Clauses 1, 2, and 3 of Article 10 of the Law on Identification 2023.

+ The receiver collects biometric information, including facial photos, fingerprints, and iris images of the applicant for the identity card.

+ The applicant checks and signs the information receipt form.

+ The receiver issues an appointment slip for the identity card issuance.

+ The identity card is delivered at the location specified in the appointment slip. If the applicant requests delivery to a different location, the identity management authority will deliver the card to the requested location and the applicant must pay the delivery service fee.

- Individuals under 14 or their legal representatives can request the identity management authority to issue an identity card. The process and procedures for issuing an identity card to individuals under 14 are as follows:

+ The legal representative carries out the Procedures for issuance of ID cards in Vietnam for children under 06 through the public service portal or the national identification application. If the child under 06 has not yet registered their birth, the legal representative carries out the Procedures for issuance of ID cards in Vietnam through the linked procedures with birth registration on the public service portal, the national identification application, or directly at the identity management authority. The identity management authority does not collect biometric information for children under 06.

+ Children from 06 to under 14 years old together with their legal representatives go to the identity management authority to collect biometric information as prescribed in point b clause 1 Article 23 of the Law on Identification 2023.

The legal representative of individuals from 06 to under 14 years old carries out the Procedures for issuance of ID cards in Vietnam on their behalf.

- Individuals who are incapacitated, have difficulty recognizing or controlling behavior, must have a legal representative assist with the procedures stipulated in Clause 1 Article 23 of the Law on Identification 2023.

- If the identity management authority refuses to issue the identity card, it must respond in writing and state the reasons clearly.


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