Vietnam: Which entities have the responsibility to assign personnel for protection of state secrets?

Recently, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree No. 26/2020/ND-CP elaborating some articles of the State Secrets Protection Law.

trach nhiem phan cong nguoi bao ve bi mat NN, Nghi dinh 26/2020/NĐ-CP

According to Decree No. 26/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam’s Government, Office of the Central Steering Committee and Party Central Committee’s Commission; central bodies of socio-political organizations; Office of the National Assembly; Office of the President; Ministries, Ministerial-level bodies, Governmental agencies, Supreme People’s Court; Supreme People’s Procuracy; State Audit Office; and People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities shall assign personnel for protection of state secrets in offices or administrative units on a full-time basis.

Moreover, affiliates of the regulatory bodies and organizations mentioned above; Party Executive Committees of provinces and cities, provincial People's Councils; Party Executive Committees of districts and district-level People's Councils and People's Committees shall assign personnel for protection of state secrets in offices or administrative units on a part-time basis.

Minister of National Defense and Minister of Public Security shall stipulate assignment of personnel for protection of state secrets of armed forces and cryptographer forces on fulltime and part-time basis. Standards for personnel assigned the tasks of state secret protection on fulltime and part-time basis:

- They have moral values, meet standards pertaining to politics, possess legal and professional knowledge necessary for state secret protection, seriously abide by guidelines and policies of the Communist Party and laws of the State;

- They shall protect state secrets; follow the assignment and mobilization of regulatory bodies and organizations and fulfill all tasks assigned.

Full-time and part-time state secret protectors are entitled to benefits as prescribed by law.

View other provisions at Decree No. 26/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam’s Government, effective from July 01, 2020.

Thu Ba


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