To research and amend the financial autonomy mechanism of public non-business units in Vietnam

To research and amend the financial autonomy mechanism of public non-business units in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

To research and amend the financial autonomy mechanism of public non-business units in Vietnam is the content specified in Resolution 50/NQ-CP on April 8, 2023 on the Government-local Conference and the Government's Regular Meeting in March 2023.

To research and amend the financial autonomy mechanism of public non-business units in Vietnam

To research and amend the financial autonomy mechanism of public non-business units in Vietnam (Internet image)

Research on amending the financial autonomy mechanism of public non-business units is the content of Resolution 50/NQ-CP dated April 8, 2023 on the Government-local Conference and the Government's regular meeting in March 2023.

1. To research and amend the financial autonomy mechanism of public non-business units in Vietnam

According to Resolution 50/NQ-CP dated April 8, 2023, the Government requested the Ministry of Finance to assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with agencies and localities in:

- Implement a reasonable, focused, and focused fiscal policy, ensuring efficiency, focusing on supporting businesses and people to reduce cost pressure, promote production, attract investment, and reduce output prices to control inflation. Develop and report to the Prime Minister before April 15, 2023, on the overall plan for operating fiscal policy in the current situation.

- Strictly manage revenue sources; continue to implement solutions to collect correctly, fully, and promptly, expand the revenue base, especially from e-commerce and digital platforms; fight against tax loss; thoroughly save expenses, especially recurrent expenses; and cut down on expenses that are not really urgent.

- Submit to competent authorities before April 15, 2023, to consider and implement solutions on exemption, reduction, extension, postponement, extension of taxes, fees, charges, land rent, and land use levy applicable to 2023 (in which research and proposals also reduce value-added tax).

- Finalize the plan on using sources to increase state budget revenue in 2022 in accordance with the direction of the Standing Government.

- Expeditiously handle the issue of VAT refund for businesses; soon amend the Law on Corporate Income Tax to put corporate income tax incentives for small and medium enterprises into practice.

- Continue to review, monitor, and evaluate Decree 08/2023/ND-CP and promptly report to the competent authorities solutions to remove new problems arising in the corporate bond market in order to appropriately and effectively handle existing problems and limitations in accordance with the law.

- Research and urgently propose amendments and supplements to the financial autonomy mechanism of public non-business units; coordinate with ministries and agencies to perfect mechanisms, policies, and laws to promote the autonomy of public non-business units; and socialize public services in eligible fields.

2. To continue to closely monitor the situation of workers losing their jobs and reducing working hours in Vietnam

The Government of Vietnam requested the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with agencies and localities in, continuing to closely monitor the situation of workers losing their jobs and reducing working hours, especially in industrial zones, to have a support plan in case of need.

To grasp the situation and demand for human resources in each industry, field, and region, especially in localities with many industrial parks and labor concentrations, promptly connect supply and demand, ensuring labor supply.

At the same time, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other agencies and localities in, performing other contents such as:

- To advise the Government Party Personnel Committee to report to the Politburo and the Central Committee to summarize 10 years of implementing the Resolution of the 5th Plenum of the 11th Central Committee on a number of social policy issues for the period 2012–2020.

- To organize the evaluation of the effectiveness of detoxification measures, especially voluntary detoxification in the family and community and the operation of public drug detoxification establishments; to promptly propose solutions to improve the effectiveness of detoxification and post-detoxification management.

- To build a safe and friendly living environment to fully realize children's rights, ensuring children's comprehensive development. Effectively implement policies and laws on children, solve children's problems, and reduce children's accidents and injuries, especially drowning accidents when summer is approaching.

More details can be found in Resolution 50/NQ-CP issued on April 8, 2023.


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