Newest regulations on the extraction and use of the Information system and National database on construction in Vietnam

Newest regulations on the extraction and use of the Information system and National database on construction in Vietnam
Anh Hào

Below are the regulations on the extraction and use of the Information system and National database on construction in Vietnam from November 01, 2024.

Provisions  on  the  exploitation  and  use  of  the  information  system,  the  National  Database  on  construction  activities,  latest

Newest regulations on the extraction and use of the Information system and National database on construction in Vietnam (Image from the internet)

On September 6, 2024, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 111/2024/ND-CP regulating the information system, the National Database on construction.

Newest regulations on the extraction and use of the Information system and National database on construction in Vietnam

Article 12 of Decree 111/2024/ND-CP stipulates the exploitation and use of the information system, the National Database on construction in Vietnam as follows:

- Scope of database exploitation

+ State management agencies have the right to fully exploit and use data fields in the National Database on construction as per the provisions of the laws on information technology, electronic transactions, network information security, cyber security, access to information, and in accordance with the needs of the unit;

+ Individuals and organizations have the right to exploit and use open data that is published and to exploit other data in the National Database on construction in written form as per the provisions of the laws on information technology, electronic transactions, network information security, cyber security, access to information, and in accordance with the needs and usages of the individuals and organizations.

- Forms of database exploitation

+ National data integration and sharing platform;

+ Ministry of Construction's electronic portal;

+ In written form as per the provisions of the law on access to information for those information and data not categorized as open data as stipulated in Clause 3, Article 6 and Clause 4, Article 7 of Decree 111/2024/ND-CP.

- State management agencies shall not request organizations and individuals to provide papers or information already available in the National Database on construction.

- Data accessed and exploited from the National Database on construction pursuant to Clause 1 and Clause 2, Article 12 of Decree 111/2024/ND-CP has official validity, equivalent to paper documents, in related activities in the investment construction sector.

- The National Database on construction serves as the foundation for implementing digital transformation activities in the management of investment construction activities. The data in the National Database on construction is the original reference for querying and exploiting to carry out related administrative procedures such as planning formulation, appraisal, and approval; appraisal and approval of Feasibility Study Reports for construction investment, post-basic design construction design; issuance of construction permits; construction order management; inspection of the acceptance test of completed work items, construction works; other procedures related to construction investment as regulated by other specialized laws.

Principles of constructing, updating, managing, exploiting, and using the information system, the National Database on construction in Vietnam

The construction, updating, management, exploitation, and use of the information system, the National Database on construction comply with the principles stipulated in Article 4 of Decree 111/2024/ND-CP which include:

- The information system, the National Database on construction is constructed and managed in a centralized, unified, and synchronized manner from central to local levels.

- The information system, the National Database on construction is constructed and updated to provide full, accurate, and timely information on construction, meeting the requirements of state management on construction investment.

- The information system, the National Database on construction is maintained to operate continuously, stably, smoothly, and is archived long-term, meeting the exploitation and usage needs of agencies, organizations, individuals as per legal regulations.

- The construction, updating, management, exploitation, and use of the information system, the National Database on construction comply with the provisions of Decree 111/2024/ND-CP and the laws on information technology, electronic transactions, network information security, cyber security, access to information; regulations on management, connection, and data sharing of state agencies.

More details can be found in Decree 111/2024/ND-CP, which takes effect in Vietnam from November 1, 2024.


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