Hanoi-Vietnam: Report on the implementation results of the regulations on teacher's ethics

Recently, the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training has issued Circular 19/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating the periodic reporting regulations under the state management scope of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Teacher's  Ethics,  Circular  19/2020/TT-BGDDT

Hanoi-Vietnam: Report on the implementation results of the regulations on teacher's ethics (Illustration)

Circular 19/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulates the report on the implementation results of the regulations on teacher's ethics under the state management of the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training as follows:

  1. Contents to be reported: General information about organizational structure, apparatus, the situation of management staff, teachers, and employees of the reporting locality/unit; results of implementing legal documents and directives, official dispatches on directing and enhancing teacher's ethics for management staff, teachers, and employees; evaluation of achievements and issues in the implementation process.

  2. Reporting entities, receiving authorities, and reporting process:

    - District-level Divisions of Education and Training report to Provincial-level Departments of Education and Training; Provincial-level Departments of Education and Training report to the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training.

    - Higher education institutions report to the Ministry of Education and Training.

  3. Reporting period: Academic year report.
  4. Methods of sending and receiving reports: Implement according to the provisions of Article 6 of this Circular.

  5. Time to finalize report data: From the beginning of the academic year to the end of the academic year according to the annual academic calendar framework.

  6. Deadline for submitting reports:

Physical reports:

- The Division of Education and Training sends a report to the Department of Education and Training before June 25 every year.

- Departments of Education and Training; Higher education institutions send reports to the Ministry of Education and Training before June 30 every year;

In the case of reports through the Ministry of Education and Training's Information Report System, the deadline shall follow Clause 6, Article 7 of this Circular.

Details can be viewed at Circular 19/2020/TT-BGDDT effective from August 14, 2020.

Ty Na


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