Functional requirements for information systems handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in Vietnam

What are the functional requirements for information systems handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in Vietnam? - Hoang Nhu (Binh Phuoc)

Functional requirements for information systems handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in Vietnam

Functional requirements for information systems handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. What is the information system for handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels?

The information system for handling administrative procedures at the ministerial and provincial levels is an information system formed on the basis of the Public Service Portal at the ministerial and provincial levels and the electronic single-window information system at the ministerial and provincial levels to receive, resolve, monitor, and evaluate the quality of administrative procedures and the provision of online public services under the jurisdiction of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and People's Committees at all levels.

(Clause 1 of Article 3 of Circular 21/2023/TT-BTTTT)

2. Functional requirements for information systems handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in Vietnam

Information systems for handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels include many functional subsystems that meet different usage goals and connect and share information and data with each other, forming a centralized and unified system; Ensure at least two main subsystems, namely the Ministry and Provincial Public Service Portal and the Administrative Procedures Subsystem, meet the following functional requirements:

(1) Public service portal at ministerial and provincial levels

Public service portals at ministerial and provincial levels include the following basic and minimum functions:

- User authentication;

- Provide information about administrative procedures and online public services, including: Level of service provision; List of administrative procedures and online public services;

- Using online public services, including: creating electronic records; Exchange information with users during the implementation of online public services; provide interactive electronic forms; Download photos, profiles, and documents; Receive documents and return the results of administrative procedures via postal service/public postal service; online payment; Return the results of administrative procedures;

- Digitally sign and integrate with the digital signature authentication service connection portal (hereinafter referred to as eSign Portal);

- Look up, including: look up public services according to criteria; look up records;

- Reflect recommendations;

- Evaluate user satisfaction;

- Statistics on application processing status;

- User support, including: instructions for implementing administrative procedures and online public services; Q&A, user opinion survey; virtual assistant;

- Other functions, including: user information management; exploitation of electronic data management warehouses by organizations and individuals; recording logs and statistics; and accessing reports.

(2) Subsystem for handling administrative procedures

The administrative procedure handling subsystem includes the following basic functions:

- Manage lists of procedures, documents, and forms;

- Manage the status list of administrative procedures;

- Handle administrative procedure documents;

- Statistic;

- Management of records and documents;

- Manage shared electronic catalogs;

- System management;

- Administration and use of electronic data management warehouses for organizations and individuals;

- Monitor the process of processing administrative documents;

- Administration and operations;

- Applications;

- Connect, integrate, and share information and data.

Note: The functions in clause (2) may not be available in the Administrative Procedures Handling Subsystem but must be available in other subsystems of the Ministerial and Provincial Administrative Procedures Handling Information System.

- Specific requirements on the functions of the ministerial and provincial public service portal are specified in Appendix I, issued with Circular 21/2023/TT-BTTTT.

- Specific functional requirements of the Administrative Procedures Handling Subsystem are specified in Appendix II, issued with Circular 21/2023/TT-BTTTT.

(Article 5 of Circular 21/2023/TT-BTTTT)

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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