9. Article 20 is amended as follows:
“Article 20. Additional declaration
Additional declaration means declaration of revisions to a customs declaration and submission of documents relevant to such revisions.
1. Cases of additional declaration:
Except for in that cannot be changed according to Section 3 of Appendix II hereof, the declarant may make an additional declaration in the following cases:
a) Additional declaration before customs clearance:
a.1) The declarant or taxpayer may make an additional declaration before the customs authority informs the declarant of the classification result;
a.2) The declarant or taxpayer that finds errors in the customs declaration after the customs authority informs the classification result but before customs clearance is granted may make an additional declaration and incur penalties as prescribed by law;
a.3) If the declarant or taxpayer that makes an additional declaration as requested by the customs authority after the customs authority finds errors or inconsistency between the goods or customs dossier and information provided during document inspection of physical inspection of goods will incur penalties as prescribed by law.
b) Additional declaration after customs clearance:
Except additional declaration relevant to the export license or import license, specialized inspection in terms of goods quality, health, culture, quarantine of animals, animal products or plants or food quality, the declarant shall make an additional declaration after customs clearance in the following cases:
b.1) The declarant or taxpayer that finds errors in the customs declaration before the customs authority issues a decision on post-clearance inspection may makes an additional declaration within 60 days from the date of customs clearance;
b.2) The declarant of taxpayer that finds errors in the customs declaration after 60 days from the date of customs clearance and before the customs authority issues a decision on post-clearance inspection shall make additional declaration and incur penalties prescribed by law…”