Regulation 03 Requirements for Professions and Occupations in Data Processing at Intermediate Level

On December 28, 2018, the Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs issued Circular 44/2018/TT-BLDTBXH stipulating the minimum volume of knowledge and competency requirements that learners must achieve after graduation at the intermediate level and college level for industries and professions in the fields of computing and information technology.

Regulation 03 Requirements of the Profession, Intermediate-level Data Processing, Circular 44/2018/TT-BLDTBXH

Regulation 03 Requirements of the Profession, Intermediate-level Data Processing (Illustrative Image)

To be specific, Circular 44/2018/TT-BLDTBXH stipulates that intermediate-level data processing is a profession using computing software to perform tasks of analyzing, statistic, exploiting data, processing data, operating on an information technology system (computer system, information processing equipment) to create a finished product which is a digital product, application software, multimedia (voice/video), a database set, or a set of information in text and digitized form meeting technical specifications, achieving productivity and quality standards, and ensuring safety standards, meeting level 4 requirements in the Vietnamese National Qualification Framework. Students need to meet the following 03 requirements for the intermediate-level data processing profession:

1. Minimum knowledge requirements:

- Explain the operation and configuration of basic network devices;- Describe the process of information and data processing in agencies, enterprises;- Describe the structure and operating principles of computers, computer networks, and other necessary peripheral devices in the data processing process;- Identify the structure of various basic data types, how to collect, design, and store such data types;- Distinguish simple data analysis and statistics software (SPSS, EXCEL);- Explain the analysis and statistics results of data;- Distinguish some common data processing programming software;- Analyze common errors in the data processing process and how to solve them;- Differentiate medium and small database management systems;- Identify data security risks and propose effective data backup solutions;- Describe labor safety and hygiene regulations;- Describe basic knowledge of environmental protection, efficient use of energy and resources;- Describe basic knowledge of politics, culture, society, law, national defense, security, and physical education as per regulations.

2. Skill requirements to be achieved:

- Use basic information technology as per regulations;- Use some basic data analysis and statistics software (SPSS, EXCEL);- Apply statistical data analysis results to reports;- Install, use, and process text and audio data;- Check the product quality of the data processing process;- Safely operate the devices used in a data processing system in accordance with technical procedures;- Develop some database software modules;- Provide consulting and feedback during the testing and completion of database software;- Develop training plans and support database software users;- Solve database software errors;- Install and use medium and small database management systems;- Safely operate a database system;- Participate in projects for designing, testing, maintaining, and upgrading data processing systems;- Apply environmental protection measures and use energy and resources efficiently;- Use basic foreign languages, achieving level 1/6 in the Vietnamese Foreign Language Competency Framework; apply foreign languages to some specialized tasks of the profession; understand technical documents in English.

3. Self-discipline and responsibility requirements:

- Have the right professional motivation, respect copyrights, have knowledge of intellectual property law in software applications, be diligent, and creative in work;- Adapt to different working environments (domestic enterprises, foreign enterprises);- Comply well with the laws and state policies;- Have professional ethics, a sense of labor discipline, and respect the internal regulations of agencies and enterprises;- Take responsibility for one’s work results before the leadership of the agency, organization, or enterprise;- Be capable of solving work in changing working conditions.

Details are available in Circular 44/2018/TT-BLDTBXH, effective from February 10, 2019.

Ty Na


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