Mandatory documents of registration of trade dossiers in Vietnam

Registration of trade dossiers in Vietnam are specified in Circular 04/2010/TT-BCT on implementation of the rules of origin provided in the agreement between the ministry of industry and trade of the socialist republic of Vietnam and the ministry of industry and trade of the Lao people's democratic republic on rules of origin applicable to goods eligible for Vietnam-Laos preferential import tariff treatment, issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Mandatory documents of registration of trade dossiers in Vietnam'

Mandatory documents of registration of trade dossiers in Vietnam (Internet image)

Article 5 of Circular 04/2010/TT-BCT stipulates: "C/O applicants may be considered for C/O issuance at places where they have registered trader dossiers only after they have completed trader dossier registration procedures." A trader dossier comprises:

  • Registration of the specimen signature of the person authorized to sign the C/O application and the specimen seal of the trader (Annex 9, not printed herein);
  • Business registration certificate of the trader (a certified true copy);
  • Tax identification number registration certificate (a certified true copy);
  • A list of production establishments (if any) of the trader (Annex 8, not printed herein).

Before C/O application, any change in the trader dossier shall be notified to the C/O issuer with which this dossier has been registered. A trader dossier shall be updated once every two (2) years.

In case of a force majeure circumstance or for a plausible reason, if wishing to get a C/O issued by another C/O issuer in a locality other than that where it has registered its trader dossier, a C/O applicant shall provide plausible reasons in writing for the non-application for a C/O in the locality where it has registered its trader dossier, and register its trader dossier with the new C/O issuer.

More details can be found in Circular 04/2010/TT-BCT, which comes into force from March 5, 2010.

Nguyen Phu


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