Hanoi-Vietnam: Technological labor norm in spectrum measurement/sampling under Circular 08

On July 05, 2019, the Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issued Circular No. 08/2019/TT-BTNM regarding the Economic-technical norms for the design of thematic maps by using remote sensing images in Vietnam at scales of 1:5,000, 1:10,000, 1:500,000, 1:1,000,000.

Labor    Norms    for    Technology    in    Spectral    Measurement/Sampling,    Circular    08/2019/TT-BTNMT

Vietnam: Technological labor norm in spectrum measurement/sampling under Circular 08 (Illustrative Image)

Economic-technical norms issued with Circular 08/2019/TT-BTNMT provide detailed regulations on technological labor norm in spectrum measurement/sampling applicable exclusively for the design of thematic maps at scales of 1:5,000, and 1:10,000 in Vietnam. To be specific:

Task Content:

- Preparing the Plan

+ Collecting remote sensing photography materials, maps, statistical data, information on geographic location characteristics, socio-economic conditions, photography dates, and weather conditions for the spectrum measurement area.

+ Analyzing the collected information to select the date, transportation means, and number of participants for spectrum measurement.

- Designing a position diagram for expected spectrum measurement/sampling points in the field

+ Based on the approved technical design requirements, selecting and identifying the expected points to be conducted in the field on remote sensing maps or maps.

+ Creating directional guides to the practically identified expected positions.

- Conducting spectrum measurement/sampling in the field

+ Accurately identifying the position of spectrum measurement/sampling points in the field and orienting.

+ Correcting precise positions on remote sensing maps or maps, noting measurement points.

+ Testing the spectrometer and auxiliary equipment (computer, GPS measuring device...).

+ Taking spectrum samples/Measurements (at each measuring point at least three times), performing rough calculations and checks, contacting related groups, and moving.

- Calculating results of field spectrum measurement/sampling

+ Transferring spectrum measurement/sampling data.

+ Using specialized software to calculate results.

+ Checking accuracy.

+ Exporting spectrum measurement data to Excel.

- Resampling

+ Arranging field spectrum measurement values by remote sensing channel on an Excel file.

+ Calculating and editing data to bring the field object's reflectance spectrum values to the same spectrum resolution as the remote sensing images.

- Checking, comparing spectrum values

+ Drawing reflectance spectrum curves.

+ Comparing the spectrum curves of objects at different measuring points, combining knowledge of the object's reflectance spectrum characteristics to eliminate the possibility of confusion.

- Classifying spectrum samples

+ Building spectrum libraries according to the usage purpose.

+ Classifying, and grouping spectrum samples into groups of objects as arranged in the spectrum library.

- Making a report on spectrum measurement/sampling results

Difficulty classification:

  1. Type 1: Plain areas, few trees, sparsely populated. Bare, low hill areas (average height below 50m), midland regions, convenient transportation, cars can reach points within 1 km. Convenient point selection and measurement
  2. Type 2: Plain areas with many trees, densely populated areas. Sparse tree hill areas in midland regions, relatively convenient transportation, cars can reach points 1 to 3 km away. Relatively convenient point selection and measurement
  3. Type 3: Mountainous areas from 50 to 200m high. Inconvenient transportation, cars can reach points 3 to 5 km away. Inconvenient point selection and measurement.
  4. Type 4: Mountainous areas from 200 to 800m high. Marshy, deep areas. Difficult transportation, cars can reach points 5 to 8 km away. Difficult point selection and measurement.
  5. Type 5: Island, border, and mountainous areas over 800m high, very difficult transportation, cars can reach points over 8 km away. Very difficult point selection and measurement.

Staffing Norm: group of 03 workers, including 01 LX3, 01 measuring cartographer IV. 10, and 01 measuring cartographer III.3.

Norms: group work/fragment

Task Difficulty Type Scale 1:5,000 Scale 1:10,000
    3 points/fragment 5 points/fragment
Spectrum Measurement/Sampling 1 6.13


  2 6.80


  3 7.92


  4 9.01


  5 10.33



Details can be found in Circular 08/2019/TT-BTNMT effective from August 20, 2019.

Ty Na


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