Hanoi-Vietnam: Skill requirements for graduates of intermediate-level sculpture under Circular 19

Recently, the Vietnam Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs issued Circular 19/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulating the minimum knowledge volume and competency requirements for graduates from intermediate and college levels in fields of arts, journalism, and information.

alt="Yêu cầu kỹ năng của ngành, nghề điêu khắc trình độ trung cấp, Thông tư 19/2019/TT-BLĐTBXH" src="/uploads/image/2020/08/04/Thong-tu-19-yeu-cau-ky-nang-nganh-nghe-dieu-khac-tr%C3%ACnh-do-trung-cap.jpg" style="text-align: center; width: 550px; height: 366px;" /> 

Vietnam: Skill requirements for graduates of intermediate-level sculpture under Circular 19 (Illustrative image)

Circular 19/2019/TT-BLDTBXH specifies the skill requirements for graduates of intermediate-level sculpture in Vietnam as follows:

  1. Categorize several common materials used in the engraving occupation;
  2. Determine the size of the engraving product model needed for creating the blank from the design drawing;
  3. Grind hand chisels and cutting blades of machines used in the engraving occupation to technical standards and ensure labor safety;
  4. Disassemble, assemble, and adjust the cutting blades for specialized machines used in the engraving occupation;
  5. Skillfully use various manual tools and equipment in the engraving occupation;
  6. Operate Computer Numerical Control machines for engraving bas-reliefs, animal statues, and human statues;
  7. Sketch bas-relief works, animal statues, and human statues according to the model;
  8. Engrave some bas-reliefs, and animal statues according to the model on materials such as wood, stone, and plaster using manual tools and specialized machines, meeting technical and artistic requirements, and ensuring labor safety;
  9. Engrave some human statues according to the model on wood materials using manual tools and specialized machines, meeting technical and artistic requirements, and ensuring labor safety;
  10. Decorate the surface of the engraved products to ensure technical and artistic quality;
  11. Use basic information technology as regulated; explore, handle, and apply information technology in the specialized work of the occupation;
  12. Use basic foreign language skills, achieving level 1/6 in the Vietnamese language proficiency framework; apply foreign languages in the specialized work of the occupation.

Additionally, this Circular stipulates that graduates of intermediate-level sculpture in Vietnam may do the following jobs:

- Wood bas-relief engraving;

- Stone bas-relief engraving;

- Plaster bas-relief engraving;

- Wood animal statue engraving;

- Stone animal statue engraving;

- Plaster animal statue engraving;

- Wood human statue engraving.

More details may be found in Circular 19/2019/TT-BLDTBXH effective from February 06, 2020.

Ty Na


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