05 viewpoints on developing the National Defense and Security Education curriculum in Vietnam

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has issued the Circular No. 46/2020/TT-BGDĐT on the National Defense and Security Education program at the high school level.

môn Giáo dục quốc phòng và an ninh, Thông tư 46/2020/TT-BGDĐT

According to Circular No. 46/2020/TT-BGDĐT of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, the National Defense and Security Education curriculum is built on the basis of the following points of view:

1. Inheritance and Modernity

The National Defense and Security Education curriculum is built on the basis of the Party's viewpoints, guidelines, and State laws on the Strategy for the defense of the Socialist Vietnamese Fatherland. It is built on the theoretical and practical foundation of the traditional experience of fighting the enemy to defend the country, Vietnamese military and updating achievements of military science and modern military pedagogy.

2. Develop qualities, general capabilities, and specific capabilities

The program clearly identifies the qualities and competencies that can be formed and developed in students through the subject: on the one hand, the program is based on the requirements to be met in terms of qualities and competencies as a basis and starting point to select educational content; on the other hand, the program forms and develops key qualities and core competencies for students through guiding students to acquire and apply subject content into practice.

3. Practicality

The program identifies practice and application as important content, and at the same time a practical and effective way to develop students' qualities and abilities. This content focuses on the application of national defense and security knowledge and practical application skills to contribute to the development of specific competencies in the subject of National Defense and Security Education.

4. Ethnicity and humanity

Helping students to properly perceive patriotism, national spirit, humanity, the unity of the whole people of the Vietnamese nation in the cause of national construction and defense; international solidarity; helping students develop humanistic values, community spirit towards the values of tolerance, kindness, respect, peace, harmony, cooperation, and social progress and development.

5. Openness, connectivity

On the basis of ensuring that the content follows the same themes throughout the country, the program spends a certain amount of time for schools to guide students in understanding issues of national defense, security, local traditions and arts of fighting and defending the country, developing educational plans suitable to local conditions.

Subject curriculum, appropriate lecture arrangement with connectivity to supplement knowledge from grade 10 to grade 12, meeting the requirements of teaching national defense and security education in high schools, appropriate with awareness, physical development and subject specificity.

View more details at the Circular No. 46/2020/TT-BGDĐT of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, effective from January 15, 2021.

Thuy Tram


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