What are penalties for motorcyclists exceeding the speed limit by less than 10km/h in Vietnam?
What are penalties for motorcyclists exceeding the speed limit by less than 10km/h in Vietnam?
Based on Point b, Clause 2, Article 7 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP stipulating penalties, point deduction on driver licenses for operators of motorcycles, motorbikes, similar vehicles who violate road traffic rules:
Article 7. Penalties and point deduction on driver licenses for operators of motorcycles, motorbikes, and similar vehicles violating road traffic rules
- A fine ranging from 400,000 VND to 600,000 VND shall be imposed on individuals who commit any of the following violations:
a) Stopping, parking on the roadway sections outside urban areas where there are pavements;
b) Operating a vehicle exceeding the prescribed speed limit from 05 km/h to less than 10 km/h;
c) Operating a vehicle at low speed without staying on the right side of the roadway causing traffic obstruction;
d) Stopping, parking on the roadway causing traffic obstruction; congregating from 03 vehicles or more on the roadway, in tunnels; parking, stationing vehicles unlawfully on the roadway, sidewalks;
dd) Vehicles without priority rights installing, using priority signal devices;
According to the above regulations, motorcyclists exceeding the speed limit by 05 km/h to less than 10 km/h are subject to a fine ranging from 400,000 VND to 600,000 VND.
What are penalties for motorcyclists exceeding the speed limit by less than 10km/h in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What is the maximum fine a People's Public Security officer of Vietnam can impose while on duty?
Based on Article 43 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP regulating the authorities of the People's Public Security:
Article 43. Authorities of the People's Public Security
- A People's Public Security officer on duty has the authority to:
a) Issue a warning;
b) Impose a fine up to 500,000 VND.
- Heads of mobile police units at the company level, station leaders, team leaders of the personnel specified in Clause 1 of this Article have the authority to:
a) Issue a warning;
b) Impose a fine up to 1,500,000 VND.
- The Chief of Communal Police, the Station Chief of the Border Guard, the Head of Border Gate Police, the Battalion Commander of Mobile Police Battalions have the authority to:
a) Issue a warning;
b) Impose a fine up to 2,500,000 VND;
c) Confiscate materials and means used for administrative violations valued not exceeding 5,000,000 VND;
d) Apply remedial measures as stipulated at point a, point b, Clause 3, Article 3 of this Decree.
Thus, a People's Public Security officer on duty has the authority to impose traffic violation fines up to 500,000 VND.
When participating in road traffic in Vietnam, what documents must the driver carry?
Based on Article 56 of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety 2024 on the conditions for drivers participating in road traffic:
Article 56. Conditions for drivers participating in road traffic
- Drivers participating in road traffic must be of legal age, and health as prescribed by law; possess a valid and suitable driver license issued by a competent authority, except for motorbike riders specified in Clause 4 of this Article. When participating in road traffic, drivers must carry the following documents:
a) Vehicle registration certificate, or a certified copy of the vehicle registration certificate together with the original confirmation documents from a credit institution, foreign bank branch in case the vehicle is under mortgage at the credit institution, foreign bank branch;
b) A driver license appropriate for the type of vehicle being operated;
c) A certificate of technical safety and environmental protection inspection for motor vehicles as regulated by law;
d) Mandatory civil liability insurance certificate for motor vehicle owners.
- Operators of specialized motor vehicles participating in road traffic must be of legal age, and health as prescribed by law; possess a suitable license or certificate for the specialized motor vehicle being operated; possess a valid and suitable driver license or have a certificate of legal knowledge on road traffic. When participating in road traffic, operators of specialized motor vehicles must carry the following documents:
Thus, when participating in road traffic, drivers must carry the following documents:
- Vehicle registration certificate, or a certified copy of the vehicle registration certificate with original confirmation documents from a credit institution, foreign bank branch in case the vehicle is under mortgage at the credit institution, foreign bank branch
- A driver license appropriate for the type of vehicle being operated
- A certificate of technical safety and environmental protection inspection for motor vehicles as regulated by law
- Mandatory civil liability insurance certificate for motor vehicle owners.