Latest methods for checking camera-based tickets in 2025 in Vietnam
Latest methods for checking camera-based tickets in 2025 in Vietnam
Below is a summary of the latest methods for checking camera-based tickets in 2025:
[1] Check camera-based tickets for motorcycles by license plate
Step 1: Access the Traffic Police Department's website at
Step 2: Go to the "Check Traffic Violations via Images" section on the right side of the screen.
Step 3: Enter Search Information
Enter the license plate to search, select "Motorcycle," enter the security code, and click "Search."
Step 4: Check results
At this point, the system will return the traffic violation results of the vehicle via camera. If no results are found, it means the vehicle has not been fined.
[2] Check camera-based tickets on the Vietnam Register Website
Step 1: Go to the Vietnam Register website using the following link:
Step 2: Scroll down and select the "Motor Vehicle Info" section for vehicle owners in the Data Search section on the right side of the screen.
Step 3: Enter complete information to perform the search.
For 5-number plates: Add letter T for white plates, X for blue plates, V for yellow plates.
Similarly, with current stamps, certificates, enter a “-” between letters and numbers.
Step 4: Scroll down, and the screen will display notifications from relevant authorities regarding the vehicle at the bottom.
If the vehicle is fined, all information will be listed in the returned results.
If this section is empty, it means the vehicle is not fined, and the registration process proceeds normally.
If a black box with violation handling information appears under this section, it indicates the vehicle has not completed the fine payment and will be denied registration.
[3] Direct check on the Department of Transport Website
This method is only applicable for provinces and cities with integrated traffic fine checks on their website.
Step 1: Access the local fine check website:
- Check fines in Hanoi via the following link:
- Check fines in Ho Chi Minh City via the following link:
Step 2: Enter complete vehicle information to perform the check.
Step 3: Scroll down to see the search results.
Additionally, citizens can check car fines via the following application:
[4] Use Mobile Applications
Besides checking on computers, citizens can use fine-checking applications on Android and iOS platforms, such as: Traffic Fine Lookup; National Traffic Fine Lookup; Fine Lookup; Kgo - Review Driving License, fine lookup; Car and Motorcycle Fine Lookup...
Step 1: Download a fine-checking application on your phone.
Step 2: Enter complete vehicle information to perform the check.
Step 3: View the traffic fine search results.
[5] Check camera-based tickets via VNeTraffic
Step 1: Download and install the VNeTraffic app on your phone from the App Store/CH Play.
Step 2: Log in to your account
If you don't have an account, register by following these steps:
Choose register => Scan the QR code at the top right corner of the CCCD card=> Verify information => Enter phone number => Click confirm
The system will then send an OTP code to the phone, and the user enters the OTP and sets a password.
Step 3: Check camera-based tickets
To check fines, select the "Violation Check" section.
Step 4: Enter the license plate for the check and click “Inspect”
Latest methods for checking camera-based tickets in 2025 in Vietnam (Image from Internet)
What are forms of administrative sanctions and measures to remedy consequences in the field of road traffic in Vietnam?
According to Article 3 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP regulating forms of administrative sanctions and remedial measures in road traffic:
[1] Main Forms of Sanctioning
- Warning
- Fine
- Confiscation of vehicles used for administrative violations
[2] Additional Sanctions
- Suspension of the right to use licenses or professional certificates for a period
- Temporary suspension of operations
- Confiscation of violative items, means used for administrative violations if not applied as confiscation of means used for administrative violations
[3] Remedial Measures
- Restoration to the original condition altered by administrative violations
- Implementation of measures to address environmental pollution caused by administrative violations
- Mandatory re-export of vehicles out of Vietnam
- Forfeiture of illegal gains from administrative violations
- Demolition of objects obstructing road signs or traffic lights
- Equipping or replacing vehicles with standard, compliant technical safety devices, or restoring technical functions according to regulations
- Issuance of driver identification cards
- Organization of training, guidance on professional processes, or periodic health checks for drivers and service staff
- Installation of journey monitoring, driver image recording devices, seatbelts, seats for young children, primary students, and necessary rescue equipment
- Removal of audio, lighting devices causing public disorder, traffic safety issues
- Provision, updating, transmission, storage, and management of information from journey monitoring devices or driver image recording devices
- Adjustment of incorrect odometer readings
- Restoration of brand, color as registered
- Compliance with vehicle signage regulations, registration markings, vehicle information presentation
- Restoration of initial shape, size, safety conditions, and re-inspection before traffic participation
- Adjustment of vehicle cargo bed according to current standards, re-inspection, and adjusting cargo weight limits on technical safety and environmental protection certificates
- Processing change, revocation, issuance of new registration certificates, number plates, and inspection certificates as stipulated
- Submission of tampered or altered licenses, professional certificates
- Return of vehicles to special economic trade zones or international entry points
What should a motorbike operator do when encountering pedestrians in Vietnam?
Based on Article 20 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 regulating the use of lights:
Article 20. Use of Lights
- Drivers or operators of special motorbikes participating in traffic must turn on front lights from 6 PM to 6 AM or when fog, smoke, dust, rain, or bad weather conditions limit visibility.
- When encountering pedestrians, drivers or operators must switch off high beam lights and switch on low beam lights:
a) When encountering pedestrians;
b) When traveling on roads through populated areas with active lighting systems;
c) When meeting oncoming vehicles, unless a non-dazzling divider is in place;
d) When changing vehicle direction at intersections.
- When performing duties on the road, drivers or operators of special motorbikes must activate yellow warning lights.
According to the regulations above, when encountering pedestrians, the operator of a special motorbike must switch off high beam lights and turn on low beam lights.