What are forms of administrative penalties in betting and prize-winning game operations in Vietnam?

What are forms of administrative penalties in betting and prize-winning game operations in Vietnam? What remedial measures shall be imposed to violations in betting and prize-winning game operations in Vietnam? Thank you!

What are forms of administrative penalties in betting and prize-winning game operations in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 3 of the Decree 137/2021/ND-CP stipulating forms of administrative penalties in betting and prize-winning game operations in Vietnam as follows:

1. Main forms of penalty:

a) Warnings;

b) Fine.

2. Additional penalties:

a) Suspension of Certificate of eligibility for betting operation, Certificate of eligibility for casino operation, Certificate of eligibility for operation of prize-winning electronic games for foreigners (hereinafter referred to as “Certificate of eligibility”);

b) Confiscation of exhibits, instruments of administrative violations.

What remedial measures shall be imposed to violations in betting and prize-winning game operations in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Decree 137/2021/ND-CP stipulating remedial measures shall be imposed to violations in betting and prize-winning game operations in Vietnam as follows:

Depending on the nature and seriousness of the violations, offenders in betting and prize-winning game operations shall be met with one or multiple remedial measures below according to Chapter II hereof:

1. Mandated submission of Certificate of eligibility that has been fabricated or modified.

2. Mandated disposal or re-export of game machines, game tables, prize-winning game equipment, or tokens which exceed the regulated quantity or do not match the form, type of prize-winning game.

3. Mandated restoration of casino venues, prize-winning game business facilities (hereinafter referred to as “business facilities”) satisfactory to requirements and location permitted by the authorities that grant permission for operation.

4. Mandated adequate monitoring and management of individuals entering and exiting business facilities either by logbook or electronic card.

5. Mandated establishment of internal control and appointment of personnel to manage and coordinate business facilities as per the law.

6. Mandated payout for bettors in accordance with game rules, betting rules.

7. Mandated revocation of payout confirmation which was issued to the wrong recipients or contained incorrect payout value.

8. Mandated removal of contents and advertisements which does not adhere to the law.

9. Mandated termination of contracts signed with individuals and organizations which are not eligible for acting as bet ticket sale agencies as per the law.

10. Mandated revision to publicized information, submission of reports, provision of adequate information and data.

11. Mandated submission of revenues generated by administrative violations.

Best regards!

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