Is it correct that a fine up to 14 million VND shall be imposed on the act of transporting a passenger who is above 6 years old seating in front of drivers on motorcycles in Vietnam?
Is it correct that a fine up to 14 million VND shall be imposed on the act of transporting a passenger who is above 6 years old seating in front of drivers on motorcycles in Vietnam?
Based on Article 7 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP stipulating penalties, license point deductions for operators of motorcycles, mopeds, motorcycle-like vehicles, and moped-like vehicles violating traffic rules:
Article 7. Penalty, license point deductions for operators of motorcycles, mopeds, motorcycle-like vehicles, and moped-like vehicles violating road traffic rules
- A fine from 8,000,000 VND to 10,000,000 VND shall be imposed on operators committing one of the following violations:
h) Sitting behind with arms around the person seated in front to operate the vehicle, except when transporting children under 6 years of age seated in front;
- A fine from 10,000,000 VND to 14,000,000 VND shall be imposed on operators committing one of the following violations:
b) Violate provisions in one of the subparagraphs, clauses as follows of this Article and cause a traffic accident: subpoint a, subpoint d, subpoint đ, subpoint g, subpoint h, subpoint i, subpoint k clause 1; subpoint c, subpoint đ, subpoint g clause 2; subpoint b, subpoint e, subpoint g, subpoint h, subpoint k clause 3; subpoint đ clause 4; subpoint c, subpoint d clause 6; subpoint c, subpoint d, subpoint đ clause 7; subpoint a, subpoint b, subpoint h, subpoint k clause 9 of this Article.
- In addition to the main penalty form, operators committing violations may also be subject to the following supplementary penalties:
b) Committing the acts specified at subpoint a, subpoint b, subpoint h, subpoint i, subpoint k, clause 9 of this Article can result in the revocation of the driver's license from 10 to 12 months;
- In addition to the penalty, operators committing violations may also have points deducted from their driver's license as follows:
d) Committing the acts specified at subpoint b of clause 8, clause 10 of this Article will lead to a deduction of 10 points from the driver's license.
According to the above regulations, a motorbike operator who sits behind with arms around the person seated in front to operate the vehicle will be fined from 8,000,000 VND to 10,000,000 VND and will have their driver's license revoked for 10 to 12 months.
In case the motorbike operator sits behind with arms around the person seated in front to operate the vehicle and causes a traffic accident, they will be fined from 10,000,000 VND to 14,000,000 VND and have 10 points deducted from their driver's license.
Note: Except when transporting children under 6 years of age seated in front.
Thus, a motorbike operator transporting a person seated in front aged 6 and above causing a traffic accident can be fined up to 14 million VND.
Is it correct that a fine up to 14 million VND shall be imposed on the act of transporting a passenger who is above 6 years old seating in front of drivers on motorcycles in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What is the maximum fine that the head of the operations department under the Traffic Police Department in Vietnam is authorized to impose?
Based on Article 43 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP stipulating the authority to impose penalties of the People's Public Security:
Article 43. Authority to impose penalties of the People's Public Security
- Chief of District Police; Chief of professional department under the Traffic Police Department; Chief of professional department under the Department of Administrative Management of Social Order; Chief of Provincial Police Department including: Chief of the Department of Administrative Management of Social Order, Chief of Traffic Police Department, Chief of Mobile Police Department, Commander of the Mobile Police Regiment have the authority to:
a) Issue a warning;
b) Impose a fine up to 15,000,000 VND;
c) Revoke permits, suspend licenses or certificates, or suspend operations for a certain period;
d) Confiscate materials or means used in administrative violations with a value not exceeding 30,000,000 VND;
dd) Apply remedial measures as stipulated in clause 3, Article 3 (except for point c, point d, clause 3, Article 3) of this Decree.
According to the above regulation, a chief of a professional department under the Traffic Police Department has the authority to impose fines up to 15,000,000 VND in the field of road traffic safety.
When is a motorcycle operator allowed to carry a maximum of two passengers in Vietnam?
Based on Article 33 of the Law on Road Traffic Safety and Order 2024 stipulating motorcycle and moped drivers, persons being carried, and goods loaded on motorcycles and mopeds:
Article 33. Motorcycle and moped drivers, persons being carried, and goods loaded
- A driver of a two-wheeled motorcycle or moped is only allowed to carry one passenger, except for the following cases where they can carry a maximum of two passengers:
a) Transporting someone for emergency treatment;
b) Escorting a person who has committed a legal violation;
c) Children under 12 years old;
d) Elderly or disabled persons.
Thus, a motorcycle operator is allowed to carry a maximum of two passengers in the following cases:
- Transporting someone for emergency treatment
- Escorting a person who has committed a legal violation
- Children under 12 years old
- Elderly or disabled persons