Can traffic police stop vehicles and fine drivers for not having rear-view mirrors in Vietnam?

Can traffic police stop vehicles and fine drivers for not having rear-view mirrors in Vietnam? Without rear-view mirrors, how much will vehicle owners be fined in Vietnam?

Last week, when I got home late from work, I bumped into my door while running home, causing my motorbike's rear mirror to fall off. I haven't had time to change yet, so I wonder if I will be stopped by the traffic police for not having a rearview mirror? Without a rearview mirror, how much will the vehicle owner be fined?

Please advise. Thankyou.

Can traffic police stop vehicles and fine drivers for not having rear-view mirrors in Vietnam?

Article 87 of the 2008 Road Traffic Law regulates patrol and control of road traffic police as follows:

1. The road traffic police shall patrol and control road users and vehicles in traffic; handle their violations of road traffic law and take responsibility before law for their decisions; coordinate with the road administration agency in detecting and stopping acts of violating regulations on protection of road works and road safety corridors.

2. The Minister of Public Security shall issue specific regulations on tasks, powers, forms and contents of patrol and control by road traffic police.

3. The Government shall stipulate the mobilization of other police forces and commune police to join the road traffic police in patrolling and controlling road traffic order and safety in necessary cases.

According to Article 16 of Circular 65/2020/TT-BCA on stopping vehicles for control, specifically as follows:

1. Traffic police performing patrol and control tasks according to plan may stop vehicles for control in the following cases:

a) Directly detect or through means and professional technical equipment detect and record violations of road traffic laws and other violations of law;

b) Implement orders, plans for general control of road vehicles, plans for patrolling, controlling, and handling violations according to topics approved by competent authorities;

c) There is a written request from the Head or Deputy Head of the investigation agency; Written request from relevant authorities to stop traffic vehicles for control to ensure security and order, fight against crime and other violations of the law. The written request must specify the time, route, means of transport stopped for control and handling, and the forces involved in coordination;

d) Information, feedback, recommendations, and denunciations from organizations and individuals about violations of the law by people and vehicles participating in road traffic.

Therefore, when detecting a road traffic violation in Vietnam, the Traffic Police have right to ask you to stop the vehicle to check and handle the violation of not having rear-view mirrors.

Can traffic police stop vehicles and fine drivers for not having rear-view mirrors in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Without rear-view mirrors, how much will vehicle owners be fined in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 16 of Decree 100/2019/ND-CP amended by Clause 9, Article 2 of Decree 123/2021/ND-CP on penalties imposed upon by operators of motor vehicles (including trailers or semi-trailers being towed) and the like violating regulations on roadworthiness of vehicles:

2. A fine ranging from VND 300,000 to VND 400,000 shall be imposed for any of the following offences:

a) Operating a vehicle without adequate and functional headlamps, plate lamp, brake lamps, turn signals, windshield wipers, rear-view mirrors, safety belts, emergency equipment, fire fighting equipment, pressure meter, and speedometer (for vehicles required to have them), except for the offences specified in point m clause 3 Article 23 and point q clause 4 Article 28 of this Decree;

b) Operating a vehicle without a horn or without a functional one;

c) Operating a vehicle without a sound or smoke suppression device or a functional one or without one that meets environmental regulations on emissions and noise.

In addition, Clause 9, Article 16 of Decree 100/2019/ND-CP amended by Clause 9, Article 2 of Decree 123/2021/ND-CP, providing as follows:

9. Apart from the penalties, the violator is compelled to:

a) Install equipment or replace equipment that meets technical safety standards or restore technical attributes of the equipment as prescribed if the offence specified in clause 1; clause 2; point b, point c clause 3; point c, point d clause 4; point b clause 5; point d clause 6 of this Article is committed;

b) Install equipment or restore technical attributes of the equipment or remove additional equipment installed against regulations if any of the offences specified in point a, point d clause 3 of this Article is committed.

Thus, without rear-view mirrors, you can be fined from 300,000 to 400,000 VND. In addition, it is required to fully install rear-view mirrors that meet technical safety standards or restore the mirror's technical features in Vietnam.

Best regards!

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