What is the Gregorian date of December 29 of the Lunar New Year 2025? What is the salary for employees working on Lunar New Year's Eve 2025 in Vietnam?
What is the Gregorian date of December 29 of the Lunar New Year 2025?
According to the Perpetual Calendar, the December 29 of the Lunar New Year 2025 corresponds to January 28, 2025 (Tuesday) in the Gregorian calendar. The Lunar New Year 2025 does not have a 30th day. Thus, the December 29 of the Lunar New Year 2025 is New Year's Eve welcoming the Year of the Snake 2025.
Tet, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the most important and meaningful holiday of the year for Vietnamese people. This is the moment marking the transition from the old year to the new year, bringing hopes and aspirations for a peaceful and happy new year.
Tet is not only a time for family reunion but also an occasion for people to share and help one another. It is a time for descendants to express gratitude to grandparents and parents and to demonstrate community solidarity.
Tet is an invaluable cultural heritage of the Vietnamese nation. Preserving and promoting Tet's traditional values not only helps us better understand our national identity but also enriches the country's cultural treasury.
What is the Gregorian date of December 29 of the Lunar New Year 2025? What is the salary for employees working on Lunar New Year's Eve 2025 in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What is the salary for employees working on Lunar New Year's Eve 2025 in Vietnam?
Based on Article 98 of the Labor Code 2019 on overtime pay and night work pay:
Article 98. Overtime and night work pay
- Employees working overtime are paid according to the wage unit price or the actual salary for the job as follows:
a) On weekdays, at least 150%;
b) On weekly days off, at least 200%;
c) On holidays, Tet, or paid days off, at least 300% not including the salary for holidays, Tet, or paid days off for employees receiving daily wages.
- Employees working at night will receive at least an additional 30% of the wage unit price or the actual salary for the job for normal working days.
- Employees working overtime at night will receive, in addition to the salary specified in clauses 1 and 2, an additional 20% of the wage unit price or the salary of day work for normal working days or weekly days off or holidays, Tet.
- The Government of Vietnam stipulates this in detail.
According to the regulations, during the Lunar New Year, employees are entitled to 05 days off. In practice, New Year's Eve will be one of the days off during the Lunar New Year holiday. Therefore, the salary calculation for employees working on New Year's Eve 2024 is as follows:
- They will receive at least 300% of the wage unit price or the actual salary for the job being done, not including the full salary for New Year's Eve for employees receiving daily wages.
- Additionally, employees working at night will receive at least an additional 30% of the wage unit price or the actual salary of the normal working day.
- If employees work overtime at night on New Year's Eve, they will receive, in addition to the overtime pay for holidays and night work, an additional 20% of the wage unit price or the salary of day work for normal working days or weekly days off or holidays.
What is the total overtime hours for employees in Vietnam?
Based on Article 60 of Decree 145/2020/ND-CP on the limit on overtime hours:
Article 60. Limit on overtime hours
- Total overtime hours must not exceed 50% of the normal working hours in one day when working overtime on a regular working day, except for cases specified in clauses 2 and 3 of this Article.
- In case normal working hours per week are applied, total normal working hours and overtime hours must not exceed 12 hours in one day.
- For part-time work as prescribed in Article 32 of the Labor Code, total normal working hours and overtime hours must not exceed 12 hours in one day.
- Total overtime hours must not exceed 12 hours in one day when working overtime on holidays, Tet, and weekly days off.
- The time specified in section 1 of Article 58 of this Decree is deducted when calculating the total overtime hours in a month, in a year to determine compliance with the provisions of points b and c, clause 2, Article 107 of the Labor Code.
According to the above regulations, the total overtime hours for employees are regulated as follows:
- Total overtime hours must not exceed 50% of the normal working hours in one day when working overtime on a regular working day, except in the following cases:
+ If normal working hours per week are applied, total normal working hours and overtime hours must not exceed 12 hours in one day.
+ For part-time work, total normal working hours and overtime hours must not exceed 12 hours in one day.
- Total overtime hours must not exceed 12 hours in one day when working overtime on holidays, Tet, and weekly days off.
- Rest time is deducted when calculating the total overtime hours in a month, in a year to determine compliance with the following regulations:
+ Ensure overtime hours do not exceed 50% of the normal working hours in one day; if normal working hours per week are applied, total normal working hours and overtime hours must not exceed 12 hours in one day; not exceed 40 hours in one month.
+ Ensure overtime hours do not exceed 200 hours in one year, except as regulated.