What are forms of the National Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union?

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Question date: 02/12/2023

What are forms of the National Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union? - Ms. Bao (Binh Dinh)

    • What are forms of the National Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union?

      Pursuant to Clause 3 Article 8 of the Regulations of trade unions of Vietnam issued together with the Decision 174/QĐ-TLĐ in 2020 stipulating as follows:

      Congresses of trade unions at all levels

      1. Congresses of trade unions at all levels shall have the following duties:

      a. Present the review report on implementation of the resolution of the trade union during the previous tenure; determine the direction and duties of the next-tenure trade union.

      b. Discuss and comment upon policy instruments of the congress of the superior trade union.

      c. Elect the union executive committee and elect a delegate to the congress of the superior trade union.

      d. Adopt the Regulations of Trade Union of Vietnam (for National Congress of Trade Union of Vietnam).

      2. Congresses of trade unions at all levels shall be held once every five years. When receiving the written request from the inferior trade union, the superior trade union shall be allowed to adjust the tenure of the inferior trade union’s congress to the superior trade union’s congress within the maximum time limit of 30 months. The National Congress of Trade Union of Vietnam shall be decided by the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour.

      3. This kind of congress exists in two forms: Congress of trade union’s delegates and congress of all trade union members.

      4. A congress of trade union's delegates shall be composed of:

      a. Incumbent executive member(s).

      b. Representatives elected by inferior trade unions.

      c. Delegates nominated but no more than five percent (3%) of the total number of official delegates convened.

      5. Delegates attending the congress shall be subject to the procedures for examination of and voting for recognition of their eligibility. The person who is disciplined in the form of reprimand or another more severe form; the person who faces legal action, investigation, prosecution, trial, or is serving a criminal sentence as prescribed by law, shall be deemed ineligible to become a delegate to the congress.

      6. The Presidium of Vietnam General Confederation of Labour shall elaborate on this Article.

      As regulations above, there are 2 forms of the National Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union: congress of trade union’s delegates and congress of all trade union members.

      What are corporate etiquettes of trade unions at all levels in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Article 6 of the Regulations of trade unions of Vietnam issued together with the Decision 174/QĐ-TLĐ in 2020 stipulating corporate etiquettes of trade unions at all levels in Vietnam as follows:

      - Trade Union of Vietnam is organized and operates according to the principle of democratic centralism; the governing bodies of different-level trade unions are set up by election, follow the rule of collective leadership; individual responsibility; the minority’s submission to the majority; the inferior’s submission to the superior; the individual’s submission to the organization.

      - The highest governing body of the Trade Union of Vietnam is the National Congress of Trade Union Delegates. The highest governing body at each level of trade union is the general meeting of trade union members at that level. The governing body at each level of trade union at intervals between two general meetings is the executive committee.

      - The resolutions of trade unions at different levels shall be adopted according to the majority rule and enforced strictly.

      What is the organizational system of trade unions at different levels in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Article 7 of the Regulations of trade unions of Vietnam issued together with the Decision 174/QĐ-TLĐ in 2020 stipulating organizational system of trade unions at different levels in Vietnam as follows:

      Organizational system of trade unions at different levels

      Trade Union of Vietnam is a unified organization consisting of the following levels:

      1. Level of central trade union: the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL).

      2. Level of provincial or central industry trade union: Federations of Labour of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities; central industry trade unions.

      3. Level of trade union immediately superior to grassroots trade unions:

      a. Federations of labour of urban districts, rural districts, towns and provincial cities (hereinafter collectively referred to as district-level Federation(s) of labour);

      b. Local industry trade unions;

      c. Trade unions of industrial parks, export processing zones, economic zones, hi-tech parks (hereinafter collectively referred to as trade union(s) of industrial parks);

      d. Trade unions of incorporations or general companies;

      dd. Other trade unions immediately superior to grassroots trade unions.

      4. Level of grassroots trade union: Grassroots trade unions and occupational organizations (hereinafter collectively referred to as grassroots trade unions).

      As regulations above, trade unions at different levels include:

      - Level of central trade union: the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL).

      - Level of provincial or central industry trade union: Federations of Labour of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities; central industry trade unions.

      - Level of trade union immediately superior to grassroots trade unions:

      + Federations of labour of urban districts, rural districts, towns and provincial cities (hereinafter collectively referred to as district-level Federation(s) of labour);

      + Local industry trade unions;

      + Trade unions of industrial parks, export processing zones, economic zones, hi-tech parks (hereinafter collectively referred to as trade union(s) of industrial parks);

      + Trade unions of incorporations or general companies;

      - Level of grassroots trade union: Grassroots trade unions and occupational organizations (hereinafter collectively referred to as grassroots trade unions).

      Best regards!

    Above is legal advice provided for customers of LawNet . If you require any further information, please send an email to nhch@lawnet.vn
    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

    • Decision 174/QĐ-TLĐ in 2020 Download
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