What are standards for professional title of autioneer in Vietnam from February 10, 2025?
What are standards for professional title of autioneer in Vietnam from February 10, 2025?
According to Circular 15/2024/TT-BTP, the standards for the professional title of auctioneers are stipulated as follows:
[1] Standards for Education and Training as stipulated in Article 9 of Circular 15/2024/TT-BTP
- Must possess a university degree or higher in one of the following fields: law, economics, business administration, accounting, auditing, finance, banking.
- Must have been granted an Auction Practice Certificate.
[2] Standards for Professional Competence and Skills for the occupational title of auctioneers as stipulated in Article 10 of Circular 15/2024/TT-BTP
- Must thoroughly understand and be capable of applying and implementing the guidelines, policies of the Communist Party, and the state's laws concerning asset auctions and related fields.
- Must have the capacity to execute the duties and powers of an auctioneer as prescribed by law.
- Must have knowledge and deep understanding of the legal system related to auction assets, and the sequence and procedures of asset auctions.
- Must proficiently perform skills in asset auction operations; directly conduct asset auction events in conformity with the law.
- Must have the capacity to guide professional skills, perform tasks related to asset auctions.
- Must possess skills in research, synthesis, analysis, evaluation, persuasion, organizing work implementation, and solving arising issues, handling situations in the field of asset auctions.
- Must have the skill to cooperate with related agencies, organizations, and individuals when conducting asset auction tasks.
- Must have basic information technology skills and foreign language proficiency relevant to the job position.
What are standards for professional title of autioneer in Vietnam from February 10, 2025? (Image from the Internet)
What is the duration of not practicing in property auctioning before an auction practice certificate is revoked in Vietnam?
Based on Article 16 of Law on Asset Auctions 2016 (amended by Clause 11 Article 1 of Amended Law on Asset Auctions 2024) on the revocation of the Auction Practice Certificate:
Article 16. Revocation of Auction Practice Certificate
- Persons who have been granted the Auction Practice Certificate will have it revoked under the following circumstances:
a) Fall under one of the categories specified in Article 15 of this Law;
b) Do not practice asset auction as stipulated in Clause 1, Article 18 of this Law for a continuous period of 02 years, except in force majeure circumstances;
c) Are administratively sanctioned under the law on handling administrative violations due to violations specified in Points b, c, or d1, Clause 1, Article 9 of this Law;
d) Voluntarily cease practicing;
dd) Are declared missing or declared dead.
- The revocation of the Auction Practice Certificate is carried out according to the following processes and procedures:
a) Within 20 days from the date of receiving information about the individual granted the Auction Practice Certificate falling under the revocation category specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the Department of Justice at the location where their organization is based or the Department of Justice of the residence location in cases where the person has been granted the Auction Practice Certificate but has not started practicing must undertake review and verification;
Individuals who have been granted an Auction Practice Certificate but do not practice asset auction for a continuous period of 02 years will have their certificate revoked, except for force majeure cases.
What types of assets are subject to auction in Vietnam?
According to Article 4 of Law on Asset Auctions 2016 (amended by Clause 2 Article 1 of Amended Law on Asset Auctions 2024), the assets subject to auction include the following types:
- Land use rights as stipulated by the law on land
- Mineral exploitation rights as stipulated by the law on minerals
- Rights to use radio frequencies as stipulated by the law on radio frequencies
- Rights to use telecommunications codes, numbers, and national domain names of Vietnam ".vn" as stipulated by the law on telecommunications
- Rights to use forests, rent forests as stipulated by the law on forestry
- Fixed assets of enterprises as stipulated by the law on the management and use of state capital investments in business and production at enterprises
- National reserve goods as stipulated by the law on national reserves
- Public assets at agencies, organizations, units, infrastructure assets, assets whose ownership rights are established by the state, assets of projects using state funds as stipulated by the law on the management and use of public assets
- Assets for enforcement of civil judgments as stipulated by the law on the enforcement of civil judgments
- Secured assets as stipulated by the law on ensuring the performance of obligations
- Assets seized to ensure the enforcement of decisions to penalize administrative violations as stipulated by the law on handling administrative violations
- Assets of cooperatives, cooperative unions gone bankrupt as stipulated by the law on cooperatives and bankruptcy law
- Assets of enterprises gone bankrupt as stipulated by bankruptcy law
- Bad debts and secured assets for bad debts of organizations where the state owns 100% charter capital established by the State Bank of Vietnam to handle bad debts of credit institutions as stipulated by law
- Other assets that are mandated by law to be subject to auction