Can a person graduated from a college be a editor in Vietnam?

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Question date: 28/11/2023

Can a person graduated from a college be a editor in Vietnam? Can a revoked certificate of editing practice in Vietnam be renewed? What are the tasks and powers of an editor in Vietnam?

Hello Lawnet. I have a question. I graduated from the journalism major at M College. I plan to be a editor. I would like to ask if I can be a editor?

Thank you!

    • Can a person graduated from a college be a editor in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 19 of the Law on Publishing in 2012 stipulating standards of editor as follows:

      1. Standards of editor:

      a) Being Vietnamese citizens residing in Vietnam, having good political and moral quality.

      b) Having University level or higher;

      c) Completing a fostering course of legal knowledge on publishing and editing professionl as prescribed by the Minister of Information and Communications;

      d) Having Certificate of editing practice issued by the Minister of Information and Communications;

      According to the regulation above, one of the standard to become an editor is to have a university degree or above. You only graduated from a college, so you are not yet qualified to be an editor.

      Can a person graduated from a college be a editor in Vietnam? - Source: Internet

      Can a revoked certificate of editing practice in Vietnam be renewed?

      Pursuant to Article 20 of the Law on Publishing in 2012 stipulating issuance, revocation and re-issuance of certificate of editing practice as follows:

      1. Dossier to request issuance of certificate of editing practice includes:

      a) Application for issuance of certificate of editing practice under the prescribed form;

      b) Curriculum vitae under the prescribed form

      c) Certified copy of degree;

      d) Certificate of completion of fostering course of legal knowledge on publishing and editing professional issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

      2. Within 15 days from the date of receipt of complete dossier, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall issue the Certificate of editing practice; In the absence of issuance, there must be written reply clearly stating the reasons.

      3. Certificate of editing practice is revoked in the following cases:

      a) Editor whose publications are edited are banned from circulation, revoked, confiscated or destroyed;

      b) Editor who has edited two publications in 01 year or publications in 02 consecutive years with content violations required correction to be released;

      c) Editor has been sentenced by a legally effective judgement of the court.

      4. Editor whose certificate of editing practice has been revoked shall be considered for re-issuance, except for the case the editor is sentenced by a legally effective judgement of the court for serious and particularly serious crimes and infringement of national security.

      5. Certificate of editing practice shall be re-issued in case of loss or damaged.

      Therefore, according to the regulation above, an editor who has had their editing license revoked will be eligible for re-issuance after 2 years from the date of revocation.

      In the case of an editor who has been convicted by a legally effective judgment of the court for very serious crimes, especially serious crimes, or crimes against national security, they will not be eligible for re-issuance of their editing license.

      What are the tasks and powers of an editor in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Clause 2 Article 19 of the Law on Publishing in 2012 stipulating duties and powers of editor as follows:

      2. The editor has the following duties and powers:

      a) Editing manuscripts;

      b) Having the right to refuse the editing of works and materials whose contents have signs of violation specified in Clause 1, Article 10 of this Law and shall report to the General Director (Director) and Chief editor in writing;

      c) Having name in the publications edited by himself/herself;

      d) Participating in periodic training of legal knowledge on publishing and editing profession held by the State management agencies on publishing activities;

      e) Do not disclose and miss the content of publishing works and materials prior to release affecting the rights of the author, the copyright owner;

      e) Taking responsibility before the Chief Editor of the publisher and before law for the contents of publications edited by himself/herself;

      Above are the tasks and powers of an editor in Vietnam.

      Best regards!

    Above is legal advice provided for customers of LawNet . If you require any further information, please send an email to
    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

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