Are customs employees required to obtain university degrees in Vietnam?
According to the current law, are customs employees required to obtain university degrees in Vietnam? Hope to get a reply soon.
Are customs employees required to obtain university degrees in Vietnam?
In Clause 2, Article 20 of the Customs Law 2014, it is stipulated:
1. Requirements for a customs broker:
a/ There is a business registration certificate or an enterprise registration certificate, in which operation of good forwarding or customs brokers is stated;
b/ There are employees in charge of customs brokerage services (hereinafter referred to as customs employees);
c/ There is information technology infrastructure satisfying the requirements for making e-customs declaration and other requirements as prescribed.
2. A customs employee must be a Vietnamese citizen who fully satisfies the following requirements:
a/ Obtain at least a collegiate degree in economics, law or technique;
b/ Obtain a certificate of training in customs declaration;
c/ Obtain customs employee’s code granted by a customs office.
3. The General Director of Customs shall decide the recognition, suspension or termination of customs broking; grant of certificates of training in customs declaration; grant and revocation of customs employee’s codes.
4. Customs brokers and customs employees shall exercise the rights and perform the obligations of customs declarants as prescribed in Article 18 of this Law.
5. The Minister of Finance shall provide guidance on procedures for recognition and operation of customs brokers; procedures for grant of certificates of training in customs declaration, and grant and revocation of customs employee’s codes.
Thus, according to the new regulations in Vietnam, customs employees only require at least a collegiate degree. University graduate is not required.
Best Regards!