What is deadline for sending Report on summarizing 10 years of implementing the Law on Mediation at grassroots level to ministries, agencies, and organizations at the central and local levels in Vietnam?

What is deadline for sending Report on summarizing 10 years of implementing the Law on Mediation at grassroots level to ministries, agencies, and organizations at the central and local levels in Vietnam? 

How many activities are there to summarize 10 years of implementing the Law on Mediation at the grassroots level in Vietnam?

In Section III of the 10-year summary plan for implementing the Law on Mediation at Grassroots issued with Decision 527/QD-BTP in 2023, the contents of summary implementation activities are stipulated as follows:

(1) Organize inspection of the results of implementation of the Law on Mediation at the grassroots level;

(2) Organize communication activities about the results of implementing documents;

(3) Organize a workshop to evaluate the results of mediation work at the grassroots level;

(4) Develop a summary report;

(5) Organize rewards for groups and individuals with outstanding achievements in 10 years of implementing the Law on mediation at the grassroots level.

What is timeline for information and data summarizing 10 years of implementation of the Law on Mediation at the Grassroots in Vietnam?

In Subsection 2, Section II, the 10-year summary plan for implementing the Law on Mediation at Grassroots issued with Decision 527/QD-BTP in 2023, there is a timeline for collecting information and summary data as follows:


1. Scope and summary content

a) Scope of summary:

- The summary is carried out nationwide, at relevant central and local agencies, organizations and unions.

- Timeline of information and summary data: From January 2014 to the end of June 2023.

b) Summary content: According to the Outline of the Report summarizing 10 years of implementation of the Law on Grassroots Mediation and the statistical forms attached to this Plan (Appendix I and II of the Plan).


Thus, the timeline of information and data summarizing 10 years of implementing the Law on Grassroots Mediation is determined from January 2014 to the end of June 2023 in Vietnam.

What is deadline for sending Report on summarizing 10 years of implementing the Law on Mediation at grassroots level to ministries, agencies, and organizations at the central and local levels in Vietnam? 

In Subsection 4, Section III of the 10-year summary plan for implementing the Law on Mediation at Grassroots issued with Decision 527/QD-BTP in 2023, there are regulations on deadline for sending the summary report as follows:



4. Prepare a summary report

a) Develop a report summarizing 10 years of implementing the Law on Mediation at the grassroots level of ministries, agencies, and organizations at central and local levels

- Preside over implementation: Ministries, agencies, and organizations at the central level related to the Mediation work at grassroots level 1; The Department of Justice advises the Provincial People's Committee to guide and develop a report summarizing 10 years of implementing the Law on mediation at the Grassroots according to the Report Outline in the Appendix attached to this Plan.

- Coordinate implementation: Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the same level, member organizations of the Front and relevant departments and branches.

- Completion time: Please send the summary report to the Ministry of Justice (through the Department of Legal Dissemination and Education) and email: xonk@moj.gov.vn before August 15, 2023.

- Product: Summary report.

b) Develop a national report summarizing 10 years of implementing the Law on Mediation at the grassroots level.

- In charge of implementation: Department of Law Dissemination and Education, Ministry of Justice.

- Coordinate implementation: Functional units of: Ministries and relevant ministerial-level agencies; Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front; central agencies of socio-political organizations; Vietnam Association of the Elderly; Vietnam Lawyers Association; Vietnam Bar Federation and relevant agencies, units and individuals.

- Completion time: October 2023.

- Product: Summary report signed by the Government and relevant agencies.

Thus, a report summarizing 10 years of implementing the Law on Mediation at the grassroots level of ministries, agencies, and organizations at the central and local levels must be sent to the Ministry of Justice (through the Department of Legal Education and Dissemination) and email: xonk@moj.gov.vn before August 15, 2023.

What are regulations on organization to reward groups and individuals with outstanding achievements in 10 years of implementing the Law on Mediation at the Grassroots in Vietnam?

In Subsection 5, Section III of the 10-year summary plan for implementing the Law on Mediation at Grassroots issued with Decision 527/QD-BTP in 2023, there are regulations on organizing rewards for collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in 10 years of implementing the Law on Conciliation at the grassroots level as follows:

- Advise competent authorities to reward groups and individuals with outstanding achievements in 10 years of implementing the Law on mediation at grassroots agencies, organizations and localities.

+ Implementation leader: Provincial Department of Justice; District Justice Department; Justice officials - commune-level civil status.

+ Implementation coordination: Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the same level.

+ Completion time: November 2023.

+ Product: Certificates of merit and certificates of merit from competent authorities are awarded to outstanding and outstanding groups and individuals.

- Advise competent authorities to reward groups and individuals with outstanding achievements in 10 years of implementing the Law on Grassroots Mediation

+ In charge of implementation: Department of Emulation and Commendation, Ministry of Justice.

+ Coordinate implementation: Department of Law Dissemination and Education, Ministry of Justice; functional units of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front; People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities.

+ Completion time: November 2023.

+ Product: Certificates of Merit from competent authorities are awarded to outstanding and outstanding groups and individuals.

Best regards!

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