What is the latest application form for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam in 2024?
What is the latest application form for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam in 2024?
Based on Form No. 01 annexed to Decree 78/2024/ND-CP stipulating the application form for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam:
Download the latest application Form for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam in 2024
What is the latest application form for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam in 2024? (Internet image)
What does application for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam include?
According to Article 3 of Decree 78/2024/ND-CP, the application for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam includes:
Article 3. Application for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam
- The application for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam comprises:
a) Application form for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam as per Form No. 01 specified in the Annex attached to this Decree;
b) Certified copy or valid electronic copy of documents proving the updating of knowledge on valuation as stipulated by the Ministry of Finance, suitable to the professional field of practice registration and effective at the time of registration, except where the valuation practitioner card is issued less than 01 year prior to the registration time;
c) Judicial record card No. 1 in paper form issued by a competent authority not exceeding 06 months up to the registration time, or a certified copy or valid electronic copy of this card, or a judicial record card No. 1 in electronic form issued through the VNeID electronic identification and authentication application not exceeding 06 months to the registration time;
Therefore, the application for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam includes the following documents:
[1] Application form for valuation practice at an enterprise in Vietnam
[2] Certified copy or valid electronic copy of documents proving the updating of knowledge on valuation according to regulations by the Ministry of Finance suitable for the professional field of practice registration and valid at the time of registration, except where the valuation practitioner card is issued less than 01 year up to the registration time
[3] Judicial record card No. 1 in paper form issued by a competent authority not exceeding 06 months up to the registration time or a certified copy or valid electronic copy of this card or judicial record card No. 1 in electronic form issued through the VNeID electronic identification and authentication application not exceeding 06 months up to the registration time
[4] A copy of the business registration certificate in case the person with a valuation practitioner card registers to practice valuation as a legal representative, Director, or General Director of the enterprise
[5] Confirmation of actual working time at a valuation enterprise, state management agency on price, and valuation or certified copy or valid electronic copy of the social insurance book showing the process of social insurance contribution at a valuation enterprise, state management agency on price, and valuation unless already notified as a valuation practitioner
[6] A copy of the labor contract signed between the enterprise and the person with a valuation practitioner card, except where the person with a valuation practitioner card is a legal representative of the enterprise.
Who is Ineligible to Practice Valuation in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 45 of the Price Law 2023, individuals ineligible to practice valuation include:
- Officials, as per regulations on officials; officers, professional soldiers, national defense workers in the agencies and units of the People's Army; officers, non-commissioned officers in the People's Police
- Persons prohibited from practicing valuation as per the court's legally effective judgments or decisions; individuals under investigation, prosecution, or trial as per criminal procedure laws; individuals convicted of economic, position-related crimes concerning finance, price, valuation without having their criminal record expunged; persons undergoing administrative measures for education at the commune level; persons in mandatory detoxification centers or compulsory education establishments
- Individuals whose valuation practitioner card is revoked as per administrative sanction decisions of competent authorities according to laws on administrative sanctions.