What is remuneration norm for task manager of science and technology tasks using the state budget in Vietnam?

Please ask: What is remuneration norm for task manager of science and technology tasks using the state budget in Vietnam? - Question from Thanh Hieu (Hanoi).

What is remuneration norm for task manager of science and technology tasks using the state budget in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 4 of Circular 03/2023/TT-BTC stipulating the norms of remuneration for the manager of scientific and technological tasks as follows:

1. Estimate of remuneration for participation in science and technology tasks

a) Remuneration for titles or groups of titles performing scientific and technological tasks shall be calculated according to the number of months converted to perform tasks. In which, the norm of remuneration for the title of scientific and technological task leader must not exceed 40 million VND/person/month; for other titles or groups of titles, the maximum level of remuneration shall not exceed 0.8 times the level of expenditure of the task manager.

Pursuant to the Ministry of Science and Technology's guidance on titles or groups of titles participating in the performance of science and technology tasks and the scientific labor coefficient of titles or groups of titles, based on the The quality and extent of contributions, the lead organization and the task manager are responsible for developing a detailed explanation of the remuneration estimate according to the titles or groups of titles performing the scientific and technological tasks, the number of months participation of titles or groups of titles.

The time to determine the estimate of remuneration for participation in the performance of scientific and technological tasks is the expected month-to-month conversion time of a title or a group of titles to perform the contents of the work stated in the scientific and technological tasks under the guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology, considered by the Scientific Council and decided by the agency competent to approve scientific and technological tasks. In case the time to participate in performing science and technology tasks is less than one month, the estimate of remuneration shall be calculated according to the remuneration level of the number of days participating in performing scientific and technological tasks of the title or respective title group. The daily remuneration is calculated on the basis of a month's remuneration divided by 22 days.

b) Wages for hiring unskilled workers to support the research contents (if any): Estimated wages for hiring unskilled laborers are calculated according to the highest regional minimum wage in days set by the Government. country specified at the time of elaboration of cost estimates for implementation of science and technology tasks (the daily wage rate is calculated according to the monthly salary divided by 22 days);

c) Norms of remuneration, scientific labor coefficient and the number of months converted for titles or groups of titles performing scientific and technological tasks and paying wages to hire unskilled laborers to support the tasks. The research contents specified at Points a and b, Clause 1 of this Article are the basis for formulating the budget estimates for the performance of the tasks. On the basis of the approved budget estimates for the performance of tasks, the unit in charge of performing the science and technology tasks shall decide the level of remuneration for groups of titles participating in the science and technology tasks and wages for hiring unskilled labor (if any) in accordance with the actual performance of tasks.

According to this Article, the norm of remuneration for the task manager of scientific and technological tasks must not exceed 40 million VND/person/month; for other titles or groups of titles, the maximum level of remuneration shall not exceed 0.8 times the level of expenditure of the task manager in Vietnam.

What do expenses for management of scientific and technological tasks in Vietnam comprise?

In Article 5 of Circular 03/2023/TT-BTC, expenses for management of scientific and technological tasks are as follows:

1. Expenses for activities of the Advisory Councils to determine the science and technology tasks, the Advisory Councils to select and directly assigns organizations and individuals to assume the prime responsibility for science and technology tasks, and the Advisory Councils. assessment and acceptance of results of performance of scientific and technological tasks and other advisory councils specified in the Circular on management of scientific and technological tasks of the Ministry of Science and Technology (if any):

a) Paying remunerations and working-trip expenses for members of the Council;

b) Expenses for stationery and communications to serve the Council;

c) Logistical expenses for meeting the Council, hiring scientific and technological services related to the assessment of the Council, renting facilities to serve the Council (if any).

2. Expenses for activities of the funding appraisal team for performing science and technology tasks established under the guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

3. Expenses for remuneration and per diem for experts handling technical issues to support the operation of the Council (if any).

4. Expenses for hiring independent consultants (if any).

5. Spending on selection announcements on the media.

6. Expenses for examination and evaluation during the performance of scientific and technological tasks; examination and evaluation after the assignment of ownership and right to use results of scientific research and technological development, including:

a) Expenses for travel expenses for the inspection team;

b) Expenses for meetings of the evaluation council during the performance of scientific and technological tasks (in case of necessity, an evaluation council is required).

7. Other expenses directly related to the management of science and technology tasks.

What responsibility does the science and technology task manager have for the cost estimate for implementation of science and technology tasks in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Circular 03/2023/TT-BTC stipulating the tasks of science and technology task managers with respect to cost estimates for performing science and technology tasks as follows:

1. For cost estimates for implementation of science and technology tasks

a) The cost estimates of science and technology tasks are developed and explained according to the guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology and based on the economic - technical norms promulgated by functional ministries and branches. regulations (if any), norms for making cost estimates specified in this Circular and current regimes and policies of the State. In case there is no economic - technical norm, it is necessary to explain in detail the basis for making the estimate.

b) The presiding organization or individual in charge of the task is responsible for formulating the cost estimate and submitting it to the competent authority for consideration and approval of the scientific and technological task.

c) Annually, at the time of making state budget estimates, organizations and units assigned to perform scientific and technological tasks base on approved tasks to make cost estimates, total Generalize them into the estimates of non-business expenditures of science and technology of ministries, branches and localities (according to budget management decentralization) for submission to competent authorities for approval according to regulations.

2. For cost estimates for activities serving the management of science and technology tasks

Annually, at the time of making estimates of state budget expenditures according to regulations, based on the plan of activities of management of scientific and technological tasks of the plan year and the spending norms specified in this Circular, Ministries and central agencies shall elaborate budget estimates for activities serving the management of science and technology tasks and incorporate them into their scientific and technological non-business expenditure estimate center; The Department of Science and Technology or the unit assigned the task of state management of science and technology in the locality shall develop a budget estimate for activities serving the management of science and technology tasks. and sum it up in the local science and technology non-business expenditure estimates, for submission to competent authorities for approval in accordance with the law on state budget and science and technology.

Based on the above provisions in Vietnam, the individual in charge of the task is responsible for formulating the cost estimate and submitting it to the competent authority for consideration and approval of the scientific and technological task.

Circular 03/2023/TT-BTC takes effect from February 26, 2023.

Best regards!

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