Is there a notice on extending deadline for payment of value added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land rents in 2023 in Vietnam?

Is there a notice on extending deadline for payment of value added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land rents in 2023 in Vietnam? 

Is there a notice on extending deadline for payment of value added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land rents in 2023 in Vietnam?

Recently, the General Department of Taxation has issued Official Letter 02/CD-TCT in 2023 guiding the implementation of Decree 12/2023/ND-CP on extending the deadline for payment of value-added tax, corporate income tax and tax. personal income and land rent in 2023.

At Official Letter 02/CD-TCT in 2023, there are instructions on the extension of time for payment of VAT, CIT, PIT and land rents as follows:

Decree No. 12/2023/ND-CP dated April 14, 2023 extending deadline for payment of value-added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land rents to support businesses, people, promote production and business. The decree stipulates the extension of time as follows:

Extension of 06 months for the value added tax amount from March to May 2023 and the first quarter of 2023, extension of 5 months for the value added tax amount of June 2023 and the second quarter of 2023, 04 months for the value added tax amount of August 2023; a 03-month extension of the corporate income tax amount temporarily paid in the first and second quarters of the corporate income tax period of 2023; business households and individuals shall pay value-added tax and personal income tax in 2023 by December 30, 2023 at the latest; 6-month extension for 50% of the arising land rents payable in 2023.

Thus, the General Department of Taxation has guided the extension of time for payment of value added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land rents in 2023 in Vietnam as follows:

- For the amount of value added tax:

+ 06-month extension for the value added tax amount from March to May 2023 and the first quarter of 2023

+ 05 months extension for the value added tax amount of June 2023 and the second quarter of 2023

+ 04 months extension for the value added tax amount of August 2023

- For corporate income tax amounts: a 03-month extension for the corporate income tax amounts temporarily paid in the first and second quarters of the corporate income tax period of 2023;

- For value-added tax and personal income tax of business households and individuals: tax payment must be made no later than December 30, 2023;

- For land rent: 6-month extension for 50% of the arising land rents payable in 2023.

In which economic sectors are enterprises and individuals entitled to an extension of time limit for payment of VAT, CIT, PIT and land rents in 2023 in Vietnam?

In Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree 12/2023/ND-CP, it is stipulated that eligibility for extension of time limit for payment of VAT, CIT, PIT and land rents in 2023 are as follows:

1. Enterprises, organizations, households, household businesses, and individuals engaging in manufacturing activities in economic sectors below:

a) Agriculture, forestry, and fishery;

b) Food processing and production: textile; apparel production; leather and related product manufacturing; wood processing and wood, bamboo product manufacturing (except for beds, cabinets, seats, chairs, tables); hay, straw, and plaiting material product manufacturing; paper and paper product manufacturing; rubber and plastic product manufacturing; product manufacturing from other non-metallic alloys; metal manufacturing; mechanical engineering; metal treating and cladding; electronic appliance, computer, and optical product manufacturing; automobile and other motorized vehicle manufacturing; bed, cabinet, seat, chair, table manufacturing;

c) Construction;

d) Publishing; cinematography; television program, audio recording, music production;

dd) Crude oil and natural gas mining (deadline extension does not apply to corporate income tax of crude oil condensate, and natural gas obtained under agreements and contracts);

e) Drink production; printing, copying records of all kinds; coke and refined petroleum product manufacturing; chemical and chemical product manufacturing; product manufacturing using precast metal (except for machinery and equipment); automobile and motorbike manufacturing; machinery and equipment repair, maintenance, and installation;

g) Water drainage and wastewater treatment.

Thus, enterprises and individuals engaged in production activities in economic sectors are entitled to an extension of the deadline for payment of VAT, CIT, PIT and land rents in Vietnam in 2023, including:

- Agriculture, forestry, and fishery;

- Food processing and production: textile; apparel production; leather and related product manufacturing; wood processing and wood, bamboo product manufacturing (except for beds, cabinets, seats, chairs, tables); hay, straw, and plaiting material product manufacturing; paper and paper product manufacturing; rubber and plastic product manufacturing; product manufacturing from other non-metallic alloys; metal manufacturing; mechanical engineering; metal treating and cladding; electronic appliance, computer, and optical product manufacturing; automobile and other motorized vehicle manufacturing; bed, cabinet, seat, chair, table manufacturing;

- Construction;

- Publishing; cinematography; television program, audio recording, music production;

- Crude oil and natural gas mining (deadline extension does not apply to corporate income tax of crude oil condensate, and natural gas obtained under agreements and contracts);

- Drink production; printing, copying records of all kinds; coke and refined petroleum product manufacturing; chemical and chemical product manufacturing; product manufacturing using precast metal (except for machinery and equipment); automobile and motorbike manufacturing; machinery and equipment repair, maintenance, and installation;

- Water drainage and wastewater treatment.

If taxpayers are eligible for an extension, can they pay the entire tax and land rents in one time in Vietnam?

At Official Dispatch 02/CD-TCT in 2023, there are instructions on the extension of time for payment of VAT, CIT, PIT and land rents as follows:

Taxpayers eligible for the extension shall send an application for extension of one-time payment of tax and land rent for the entire tax and land rents arising in tax periods are extended together with the time of submitting monthly (or quarterly) tax declarations in accordance with the law on tax administration. If the application for extension is not submitted at the same time as the time of filing the tax return, the deadline is September 30, 2023.

Thus, taxpayers eligible for extension may send a written request for extension of one-time payment of tax and land rent for the entire tax and land rents arising in tax periods are extended together with the time of submitting monthly (or quarterly) tax declarations in accordance with the law on tax administration. in Vietnam.

If the application for extension is not submitted at the same time as the time of filing the tax return, the deadline is September 30, 2023.

Best regards!

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