Expenditure Levels for Promoting the Study and Practice of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology, Ethics, and Style
The regulations on expenditure levels for promoting study and adherence to the ideology, ethics, and style of Ho Chi Minh are prescribed in Article 4 of Circular 97/2018/TT-BTC, which provides guidance on the establishment, management, and use of funds for promoting study and adherence to the ideology, ethics, and style of Ho Chi Minh, issued by the Minister of Finance, accordingly:
The expenditure level for tasks related to studying and following the ideology, ethics, and style of Ho Chi Minh is based on the current financial spending norms and policies as prescribed by competent state agencies.
For expenditure items not yet prescribed by competent state agencies, ministers and heads of central agencies, and the provincial and municipal People's Councils of centrally governed cities and provinces shall decide on applying expenditure levels for tasks and items of similar nature that have been regulated by competent authorities, accompanied by legitimate invoices and documents, within the scope of the assigned budget estimate, and shall be responsible for their decisions.
Specific expenditure levels are prescribed as follows:
a) Writing, compiling, and translating materials:
- Writing and compiling materials shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Circular No. 76/2018/TT-BTC dated August 17, 2018, of the Ministry of Finance, guiding the content and expenditure levels for developing training programs and compiling curricula for higher education and vocational training.
- Translating materials from Vietnamese into foreign languages and vice versa shall be done according to the translation expense levels regulated in Circular No. 71/2018/TT-BTC dated August 10, 2018, of the Ministry of Finance, which sets policies for hosting foreign guests working in Vietnam, organizing international conferences and seminars in Vietnam, and hosting domestic guests.
b) Expenses related to conferences, seminars, interim and final reviews, travel expenses for guidance, inspection, and supervision shall be executed according to the provisions of Circular No. 40/2017/TT-BTC dated April 28, 2017, of the Ministry of Finance, which stipulates policies for work expenses and conference expenses.
c) Rewards for exemplary collectives and individuals shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations on emulation and commendations.
The above is the consultation on expenditure levels for promoting study and adherence to the ideology, ethics, and style of Ho Chi Minh. For further detailed information, please refer to Circular 97/2018/TT-BTC. We hope our advice will help address your concerns.
Wishing you health and success!