What are sources of income of the Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights in Vietnam?

What are sources of income of the Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights in Vietnam? What are regulations on management and use of finance and assets of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights? What are tasks of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights?

Thank you!

What are sources of income of the Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 22 of the Charter of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights issued togeter with the Decision 840/QĐ-BNV in 2021 stipulating as follows:

Finance and property of the Association

1. Finance of the Association:

a) Income of the Association:

- Membership fees, annual membership fees;

- Revenues from service activities of the Association and its affiliated organizations in accordance with the law;

- Funds and in-kind donations and support of organizations and individuals at home and abroad according to the provisions of law;

- State support associated with assigned tasks (if any);

- Other lawful revenues.

b) Expenses of the Association:

- Expenses for activities and tasks of the Association;

- Expenses for renting office space, purchasing working facilities;

- Expenses for implementation of regimes, policies, rewards and other expenses for people working at the Association according to the Association's Regulation on expenditures.

2. The revenues and expenditures for the Association's activities shall comply with the Association's financial regulations and the provisions of law and the State's regulations.

3. The Association's assets include: headquarters, equipment and means to serve the Association's activities. The Association's assets are formed from the Association's funding; contributed by the founding members and donated or donated by domestic and foreign organizations and individuals in accordance with law; State support (if any).

Thus, there are 5 main sources of revenue of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights as follows:

- Membership fees, annual membership fees;

- Revenues from service activities of the Association and its affiliated organizations in accordance with the law;

- Funds and in-kind donations and support of organizations and individuals at home and abroad according to the provisions of law;

- State support associated with assigned tasks (if any);

- Other lawful revenues.

What are regulations on management and use of finance and assets of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights?

Pursuant to Article 23 of the Charter of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights issued togeter with the Decision 840/QĐ-BNV in 2021 stipulating as follows:

Managing and using the Association's finances and assets

1. The Association's finances and assets are managed and used in accordance with the Association's Regulations on financial and property management for the purpose of serving the Association's activities.

2. The financial revenue and expenditure settlement shall comply with current regulations and report to the Executive Board and the General Meeting of the Association.

3. Finance and property of the Association upon division or separation; merger; Consolidation and dissolution shall be resolved in accordance with the law and the Association's Charter.

4. The Executive Board of the Association promulgates the Regulations on management and use of the Association's finances and assets, ensuring the principles of publicity, transparency and thrift, in accordance with the provisions of the law and the principles and purposes of its operation. of the Association.

What are tasks of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights?

Pursuant to Article 7 of the Charter of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights issued togeter with the Decision 840/QĐ-BNV in 2021 stipulating tasks of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights as follows:

1. Comply with the provisions of law related to the organization and operation of the Association. Organize and operate according to the Association's Charter approved by the competent state agency. Not to take advantage of the Association's activities to harm national security, social order, morality, fine customs and traditions, the nation's traditions, and legitimate rights and interests of individuals and organizations.

2. Propagate and disseminate the Party's line, the State's policies and laws, especially the cultural and artistic guidelines and policies, legal documents on the protection of the rights of authors and owners copyright in motion pictures and television series for members.

3. Gather, unite, organize connections and coordinate activities among members for the common benefit of the Association; strictly implement the Association's Charter, principles and purposes in order to participate in the development of fields related to the Association's activities, contributing to the construction and development of the country.

4. Mediatate disputes, settlement of reflections, recommendations, complaints and denunciations within the Association in accordance with law.

5. Disseminate and foster knowledge for members, provide necessary information to members in order to raise awareness about the protection of rights of authors and copyright holders for cinematographic and television works form for members within the scope and field of operation of the Association and in accordance with the provisions of law.

6. Develop and issue ethical rules in the Association's activities.

7. Promulgate regulations on collection activities, rates, distribution methods, and methods of distribution of royalties, remunerations and material benefits to ensure publicity, transparency and compliance with regulations of law. law.

8. Manage and use the Association's funding sources in accordance with the provisions of law.

9. When changing the President, Vice President, General Secretary of the Association; change of headquarters; amend and supplement the Association's Charter; organize the congress; The establishment of legal entities under the Association must comply with the provisions of law and report to the competent state agency.

10. Establish a representative office of the Association in another locality must obtain permission from the People's Committee of the province or centrally run city where the representative office is located and report in writing to the competent state agency.

11. Annually report on the organization and operation of the Association to competent state agencies as prescribed; manage and use the seal of the Association in accordance with the law.

12. Comply with the guidance, examination and inspection of competent management agencies in accordance with law.

13. Make and keep at the Association's headquarters the list of members, branches, representative offices and units affiliated to the Association, books and documents on assets and finance of the Association and the representative office, minutes Minutes of meetings of the Executive Board.

14. Perform other tasks when required by competent authorities.

Best regards!

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