What are regulations on establishment of application assessment council, assessment criteria and grading scale for the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam?

What are regulations on establishment of application assessment council, assessment criteria and grading scale for the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam? What are regulations on approval for the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam? What are regulations on inspection and assessment of the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam? What are regulations on adjustment to the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam?

Thank you!

What are regulations on establishment of application assessment council, assessment criteria and grading scale for the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 18 of the Decree 83/2018/NĐ-CP stipulating establishment of application assessment council, assessment criteria and grading scale for the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam as follows:

1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall establish a council in charge of assessing the application for registration as an organization presiding over the central agricultural extension project.

2. Assessment criteria and grading scale

The application for registration shall be assessed and graded (up to 100 points). To be specific:

a) Capacity for presiding: up 10 15 points;

b) Capacity for leading the project: up to 10 points;

c) Capacity of entities cooperating in executing the project: up to 10 points;

d) Contents of the project: up to 20 points;

dd) Methods for execution and feasibility of the project: up to 15 points;

e) Results, effectiveness and multiplication: up to 20 points;

g) Funding for execution: up to 10 points.

3. The application selected by the council is the one that is given the highest average point (at least 70 points). No criterion is given zero (0) point by more than 1/3 of total council members.

What are regulations on approval for the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 19 of the Decree 83/2018/NĐ-CP stipulating approval for the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam as follows:

1. Based on the selection by the council, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall consider, approve and notify results of selection of presiding organizations and project leaders.

2. The organization and individual shall submit a complete project dossier to the receiving authority (directly or by post) within 15 days from the date on which the written notice is given.

3. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall decide to approve the project and explanation for the central agricultural extension project before November 30 and assign the presiding organization and project leader to execute the project by assigning tasks or placing orders in accordance with applicable regulations.

What are regulations on inspection and assessment of the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 20 of the Decree 83/2018/NĐ-CP stipulating inspection and assessment of the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam as follows:

1. Annually, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall formulate and approve the periodic or ad hoc inspection plans to inspect and assess the execution, progress, results and effectiveness of the central agricultural extension project. The inspection of each project shall be carried out at least once during its execution.

2. Before the inspection (at least 05 working days), the inspection team shall notify date and place of inspection to the presiding organization, project leader and inspection team members. The presiding organization and project leader shall prepare and submit a project execution report to the inspection team.

3. During execution of the project, the presiding organization shall inspect the project itself and submit annual or ad hoc inspection reports to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development before June 15 and December 15.

What are regulations on adjustment to the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 21 of the Decree 83/2018/NĐ-CP stipulating adjustment to the central agricultural extension project in Vietnam as follows:

1. The central agricultural extension project is adjusted at the request of the presiding organization

a) The presiding organization shall send a written notice of any difficulties that arise during the execution specifying reasons thereof to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (in person or by post);

b) Within 15 days from the date on which the written notice is received, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall consider and decide to adjust or assign its affiliate to decide to adjust the central agricultural extension project and notify the presiding organization.

2. According to annual project inspection and commissioning results or when necessary, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall consider approving the adjustment or assign its affiliate to decide to adjust the central agricultural extension project on realistic demand and notify the presiding organization.

3. The adjustment shall be made before November 30.

Best regards!

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