What are details of the salary table for People's Public Security in Vietnam in 2025?

What are details of the salary table for People's Public Security in Vietnam in 2025? What is the highest rank of officers in the People's Public Security in Vietnam?

What are details of the salary table for People's Public Security in Vietnam in 2025?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 73/2024/ND-CP on the statutory pay rate:

Article 3. Statutory Pay Rate

  1. The statutory pay rate is used as a base to:

a) Calculate salaries in salary tables, allowances, and implement other policies in accordance with the law for the subjects specified in Article 2 of this Decree;

b) Calculate activity fees and living expenses according to the law;

c) Calculate deductions and policies based on the statutory pay rate.

2. From July 1, 2024, the statutory pay rate is 2,340,000 VND/month.


According to the above regulation, from July 1, 2024, the statutory pay rate increases from 1,800,000 VND to 2,345,000 VND/month.

Based on Table 6 issued with Decree 204/2004/ND-CP, supplemented by Clause 4, Article 1 of Decree 17/2013/ND-CP regulating the salary scale of ranks for officers and non-commissioned officers of the People's Public Security Forces. The salary of the People's Public Security Forces is calculated as follows:

Salary = Base Salary x Salary Coefficient

The latest, detailed salary table for the People's Public Security Forces in 2025 is as follows:

Number Rank Salary Coefficient Salary when statutory pay rate increases to 2.34 million
1 General 10.40 24,336,000 VND
2 Senior Lieutenant General 9.80 22,932,000 VND
3 Lieutenant General 9.20 21,528,000 VND
4 Major General 8.60 20,124,000 VND
5 Colonel 8.00 18,720,000 VND
6 Senior Lieutenant Colonel 7.30 17,082,000 VND
7 Lieutenant Colonel 6.60 15,444,000 VND
8 Major 6.00 14,040,000 VND
9 Captain 5.40 12,636,000 VND
10 Senior Lieutenant 5.00 11,700,000 VND
11 Lieutenant 4.60 10,764,000 VND
12 Second Lieutenant 4.20 9,828,000 VND
13 Warrant Officer 3.80 8,892,000 VND
14 Sergeant 3.50 8,190,000 VND
15 Corporal 3.20 7,488,000 VND

*The above salary does not include other allowances

Latest and Detailed Salary Table for People's Public Security Forces in 2025

What are details of the salary table for People's Public Security in Vietnam in 2025? (Image from the Internet)

What is the highest rank of officers in the People's Public Security in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 25 of the Law on People's Public Security 2018 (amended by Clause 1, Article 2 of the Amended Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army 2024) regulating the highest rank for positions and titles of officers in the People's Public Security Forces:

Article 25. Highest Rank for Positions, Titles of Officers in People's Public Security Forces

  1. The highest rank for positions of officers in the People's Public Security Forces is regulated as follows:

a) General: Minister of Public Security;

b) Senior Lieutenant General, not exceeding 07, including:

Deputy Ministers of Public Security, not exceeding 06;

Seconded officers of the People's Public Security Forces elected as Chair of the National Assembly's Committee on National Defense and Security;

c) Positions and titles with the highest ranks as Lieutenant General, Major General, not exceeding 197.

  1. The Government of Vietnam regulates positions and titles with the highest ranks as Lieutenant General, Major General, criteria, standards for extraordinary rank promotion for positions with the highest rank as generals and the highest rank for positions and titles of officers as generals for newly established units, units that are reorganized, or have enhanced functions and tasks but do not exceed the maximum number of general positions according to the decision of the competent authority.
  1. Seconded officers of the People's Public Security Forces with positions, titles higher than positions, titles with the highest rank as Lieutenant General, Major General, and special cases of rank promotion to general rank are decided by the competent authority.
  1. The highest rank for positions, titles of officers from the rank of junior officer down is regulated by the Minister of Public Security.

Thus, the highest rank of officers in the People's Public Security Forces is regulated as follows:

- General: Minister of Public Security

- Senior Lieutenant General, not exceeding 07, including:

+ Deputy Ministers of Public Security, not exceeding 06

+ Seconded officers of the People's Public Security Forces elected as Chair of the National Assembly's Committee on National Defense and Security

- Positions and titles with the highest ranks as Lieutenant General, Major General, not exceeding 197.

What are the conditions for rank promotion in the People's Public Security Forces in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 22 of the Law on People's Public Security 2018 regulating the subjects, conditions, and duration for consideration of rank promotion for officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers of the People's Public Security Forces:

Article 22. Subjects, Conditions, and Duration for Rank Promotion for Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and Soldiers of the People's Public Security Forces


  1. Conditions for rank promotion:

Officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers of the People's Public Security Forces are eligible for rank promotion when they meet the following conditions:

a) Complete tasks, meet political standards, moral qualities, professional qualifications, and health standards;

b) Their current rank is lower than the highest rank specified for the position, title they are holding;

c) Fulfill the duration for consideration of rank promotion according to Clause 3 of this Article.


The conditions for rank promotion in the People's Public Security Forces are as follows:

[1] Complete tasks, meet political standards, moral qualities, professional qualifications, and health standards.

[2] Their current rank is lower than the highest rank specified for the position, title they are holding.

[3] Fulfill the duration for rank promotion consideration as follows:

Corporal to Sergeant: 01 year

Sergeant to Warrant Officer: 01 year

Warrant Officer to Second Lieutenant: 02 years

Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant: 02 years

Lieutenant to Senior Lieutenant: 03 years

Senior Lieutenant to Captain: 03 years

Captain to Major: 04 years

Major to Lieutenant Colonel: 04 years

Lieutenant Colonel to Senior Lieutenant Colonel: 04 years

Senior Lieutenant Colonel to Colonel: 04 years

Colonel to Major General: 04 years

The minimum duration for rank promotion for each general rank is 04 years.

The Minister of Public Security regulates the duration for salary increase consideration, rank promotion for technical specialty officers, non-commissioned officers corresponding to the salary scale in the technical specialty salary table as regulated by the Government of Vietnam.

The Minister of Public Security regulates the duration for rank promotion consideration for non-commissioned officers, obligatory service soldiers.

The time officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers spend studying at school is counted towards the duration for rank promotion consideration; for officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers demoted in rank, after 01 year from the date of rank demotion, if they improve, they will be considered for rank promotion.

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