What is significance of January 15? What is the lunar date for January 15, 2025?
What is significance of January 15? What is the lunar date for January 15, 2025?
On January 15, 1956, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 666-TTg establishing the Vietnam Civil Aviation Department. Born from the people's armed forces, Vietnam Civil Aviation has consistently retained its revolutionary nature, with absolute loyalty to the Communist Party, the Homeland, and the people.
Thus, January 15 each year is the Anniversary of the Establishment of the Vietnam Civil Aviation Department. According to the Perpetual Calendar, January 15, 2025, corresponds to the 16th day of the 12th lunar month, 2024.
January 15, 1956, marks the founding of the Vietnam Civil Aviation Department, opening a new chapter in the history of the development of our country's aviation sector. This event not only holds significant importance for the transportation industry but also greatly contributes to the economic, cultural development, and international integration of Vietnam.
The anniversary is not only a time to reflect on the achievements that have been reached but also an opportunity to express gratitude to the generations of aviation staff and personnel who have contributed to the country's development.
What is significance of January 15? What is the lunar date for January 15, 2025? (Image from the Internet)
What do aviation industry-specific fees, charges, and service prices in Vietnam include?
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Vietnam Civil Aviation Law 2006 (amended by Clause 5, Article 1 of the Amended Vietnam Civil Aviation Law 2014), the fees, charges, and service prices in the aviation sector include:
[1] Aviation-specific services include:
- Aviation services related directly to the operation of aircraft, air transportation operations, and flight activities
- Non-aviation services provided at airports, aerodromes, and on aircraft but not related to aviation services
[2] Aviation-specific fees and charges include:
- Fees for flying through Vietnam's airspace, franchise fees, and other charges as stipulated by the law on fees and charges
- Charges for the issuance of certificates, licenses, and documentation related to civil aviation activities
[3] Prices for aviation services include:
- Prices for takeoff, landing services; prices for arrival and departure air traffic service; prices for services ensuring flight operations; passenger services charges; aviation security charges, and prices for air traffic services over airspace under Vietnam’s management
- Other aviation service prices
[4] Prices for non-aviation services include:
- Prices for renting premises and essential service prices at airports and aerodromes
- Other non-aviation service prices at airports and aerodromes
What are prohibited acts in civil aviation operations in Vietnam?
According to Article 12 of the Vietnam Civil Aviation Law 2006 stipulating prohibited acts in civil aviation operations:
Article 12. Prohibited acts in civil aviation operations
- Prohibited acts include:
a) Using aircraft, aircraft engines, aircraft propellers, and aviation equipment without appropriate licenses;
b) Performing the duties of aviation personnel without the proper licenses or certificates;
c) Releasing devices, items, or other objects into the air affecting flight safety, the environment, and civilian life;
d) Flying into restricted or prohibited airspaces contrary to regulations;
đ) Causing interference, occupation, or duplicate exploitation of radio frequencies reserved for civil aviation operations;
Thus, prohibited acts in civil aviation operations include:
- Using aircraft, aircraft engines, aircraft propellers, and aviation equipment without appropriate licenses
- Performing the duties of aviation personnel without the proper licenses or certificates
- Releasing devices, items, or other objects into the air affecting flight safety, the environment, and civilian life
- Flying into restricted or prohibited airspaces contrary to regulations
- Causing interference, occupation, or duplicate exploitation of radio frequencies reserved for civil aviation operations
- Damaging signal systems, equipment, stations related to air traffic control, or deploying ground vehicles that do not meet technical conditions in the airfield
- Constructing architectural structures, installing equipment, or planting trees that may affect flight operations and airspace management, air traffic operations
- Building in airport, aerodrome areas, or adjacent areas such as buildings or installing equipment that emits high smoke, dust, fire, or emissions or constructing shooting ranges and other works, installations, having potential safety risks to flights and airport operations
- Installing, utilizing lighting or signaling equipment or objects that interfere with aircraft taking off and landing or identifying airports, aerodromes
- Raising, releasing birds, or livestock within airport premises
- Illegally interfering with civil aviation operations
- Introducing weapons, inflammable, explosive substances, or other dangerous items onto aircraft, into airports, aerodromes, and restricted areas in violation of regulations
- Destroying, damaging, deforming, moving markers, barriers, indicators, or protective items at airports, aerodromes; damaging or interfering with identification equipment at airports, aerodromes
- Threatening, intimidating flight safety, endangering the life, health, or property of others on the aircraft
- Engaging in unfair competition and other competition-restricting behaviors that are prohibited