Vietnam: May a 60-year-old person act as a bailiff? What are the required documents for appointment as bailiff?
1. May a 60-year-old person act as a bailiff in Vietnam?
Under Article 6 of Decree 08/2020/ND-CP, the eligibility of bailiff in Vietnam is stipulated as follows:
Eligibility of bailiff
A person shall be assigned as a bailiff when he/she:
1. Is a Vietnamese national, not older than 65 years old, residing in Vietnam, properly adhering to the Constitutions and the laws, and possessing good moral virtues.
2. Has undergraduate or post-graduate degrees in law.
3. Practices law for at least 3 years in agencies, organizations after obtaining undergraduate or post-graduate degrees in law.
4. Completes training courses, receives recognition equivalent to training completion, or completes bailiff refresher training courses mentioned under Article 7 hereof.
5. Qualifies in bailiff apprenticeship exam.
Thus, according to the above regulations, a 60-year-old person can still act as a bailiff if all the above conditions are fully met.
2. What are the required documents for appointment as bailiff in Vietnam?
According to Clause 1, Article 10 of Decree 08/2020/ND-CP, eligible persons according to Article 6 hereof shall submit the required documents for appointment as bailiff in person or via post service at the Departments of Justice where they registered for apprenticeship in Vietnam. The application consists of:
a) Application form regulated by the Minister of Justice;
b) Judicial records issued within 6 months prior to the date of application;
c) Certified true copies or copies accompanied by original copies of undergraduate or post-graduate degrees;
d) Documents proving applicants’ period of practicing law, including: Decisions on employment, employment contract or employment contracts accompanied by documents proving social insurance payment; documents proving previous removal or revocation of license to practice or revocation of cards for cases under Clause 2 Article 11 hereof; documents proving retirement or resignation for cases under Clause 3 Article 11 hereof;
dd) Certified true copies or copies accompanied by original copies of certificate of bailiff apprenticeship inspection results.
The required documents for appointment as bailiff in Vietnam will follow the aforementioned regulations.