What are types of website in Vietnam? Which types of website are not subject to licensing in Vietnam?
What is a website?
Based on Article 3 of Decree 147/2024/ND-CP:
Article 3. Definition of Terms
In this Decree, the following terms are defined as follows:
- General information on aggregated websites is information that has been published in the Vietnamese press and information that has been posted on the websites of organizations of the Communist Party, state agencies according to legal regulations on journalism and intellectual property.
- Fake news is information that is partially or entirely inaccurate compared to the truth, created by one or more entities to serve specific purposes or intentions.
- A website is a page or a collection of pages, applications on the Internet presented in the form of symbols, numbers, letters, images, sounds, and other types of information serving the provision and usage of different content and services on the Internet.
Therefore, a website is a page or a collection of pages, applications on the Internet presented in the form of symbols, numbers, letters, images, sounds, and other types of information serving the provision and usage of different content and services on the Internet.
What are types of website in Vietnam? Which types of website are not subject to licensing in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are types of website in Vietnam?
Based on Article 20 of Decree 147/2020/ND-CP classifying websites:
Article 20. Classification of Websites
Websites are classified as follows:
- Electronic newspapers and electronic magazines.
- Aggregate websites.
- Internal websites.
- Personal websites.
- websites providing specialized services.
- websites providing social network services according to the regulations of this Decree.
- websites providing information in the form of an electronic portal.
Therefore, websites are classified as follows:
[1] Electronic newspapers and electronic magazines.
[2] Aggregate websites are the websites of agencies, organizations, or enterprises providing aggregated information.
[3] Internal websites are the websites of agencies, organizations, or enterprises providing information about functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure, activities, services, products, industry sectors serving the operation of those agencies, organizations, or enterprises.
[4] Personal websites are websites set up by individuals to provide, exchange personal information, or other information according to legal regulations.
[5] Websites providing specialized services are websites providing services related to fields like education, training; vocational education; health; culture, sports and tourism; information and communication; science and technology; natural resources and environment; transportation; agriculture and rural development; trade and industry; construction; labor, war invalids, and social affairs; justice and other fields according to legal regulations.
[6] Websites providing social network services according to the regulations.
[7] Websites providing information in the form of an electronic portal.
Which types of website are not subject to licensing in Vietnam?
Based on Article 24 of Decree 147/2024/ND-CP, the management principles of websites are regulated as follows:
Article 24. Management Principles of websites
- Agencies, organizations, and enterprises operating in Vietnam are only allowed to establish aggregated websites and provide social network services when they have a License to establish aggregated websites, a License to provide social network services, or a Confirmation of social network service provision notification.
- websites that do not require licensing as per this Decree include:
a) Websites providing specialized services;
b) Personal websites, internal websites;
c) Government electronic portals providing information according to the regulations of Decree No. 42/2022/ND-CP dated June 24, 2022, of the Government of Vietnam regulating the provision of information and online public services of state agencies on the Internet;
d) Internal forums on websites.
- Internal websites, websites providing specialized services, Government electronic portals, state agencies' websites, and personal websites, when providing aggregated information, must have a License to establish aggregated websites.
According to the above regulations, the following websites do not require a license:
- Websites providing specialized services
- Personal websites, internal websites
- Government electronic portals providing information according to the regulations
- Internal forums on websites.