Reconciliation of Data and Payment of Donation Amounts at the Humanitarian Electronic Information Portal
In Article 12 of Circular 09/2015/TT-BTTTT, regulations on data reconciliation and payment of donation amounts at the Humanitarian E-Portal are outlined as follows:
- The data reconciliation and payment of donation amounts for fundraising campaigns through Portal 1400 are conducted by the VTC Corporation and telecommunications enterprises based on the number of messages sent, using the monthly data from the billing systems of the telecommunications enterprises and Portal 1400. In cases of discrepancies, the data from the billing system of the telecommunications enterprises are used.
- The donation amount is the total sum collected for each messaging service number during the fundraising campaign through Portal 1400. The sum collected for each messaging service number is determined by multiplying the number of donation messages by the donation value of each message corresponding to the messaging service number.
- In the event that a telecommunications subscriber sends a donation message with incorrect syntax to a messaging service number during a fundraising campaign through Portal 1400, the telecommunications enterprise will deduct the service message fee but will not deduct the donation value from the subscriber's account, and will also send a message to the subscriber notifying them of the incorrect syntax.
- After the closure of Portal 1400 according to the Decision to Open Portal 1400, if a telecommunications enterprise fails to close the messaging service number via Portal 1400 and subscribers continue to send messages, the telecommunications enterprise may not deduct money from the subscriber's account and must notify the subscriber of this occurrence.
- Within 30 (thirty) days from the date of extracting the monthly billing data of the telecommunications enterprise, VTC Corporation and the telecommunications enterprises must complete the data reconciliation regarding the donation amounts from the fundraising campaign.
- Within 10 (ten) working days after completing the data reconciliation regarding the donation amounts of the fundraising campaign, VTC Corporation, together with telecommunications enterprises, must execute relevant financial procedures in accordance with the law and transfer the total donations collected directly to the account officially announced by VTC Corporation to the telecommunications enterprises.
- Within 05 (five) working days after receiving the donation amounts transferred by the telecommunications enterprises, VTC Corporation must transfer the entire received amount into the account of the leading agency organizing the fundraising campaign through Portal 1400.
The above outlines the regulations on data reconciliation and payment of donation amounts at the Humanitarian E-Portal.