Promulgation of Circular 25/2024/TT-BTNMT stipulating the procedures for developing the national land database in Vietnam
Has the Circular 25/2024/TT-BTNMT regulating the procedures for developing the national land database in Vietnam been issued yet?
On November 26, 2024, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam issued Circular 25/2024/TT-BTNMT regulating the technical procedures for developing and updating the national land database, which includes following component databases: cadastral; investigation, evaluation, protection, restoration, reclamation of land; planning and land use plans; land prices; statistics and inventory of land; other data related to land.
The technical procedures for developing and updating databases on legislative documents and databases related to inspections, citizen reception, dispute resolution, complaints, and denunciations about land are implemented in accordance with specialized legal regulations.
Circular 25/2024/TT-BTNMT takes effect from January 10, 2025.
Promulgation of Circular 25/2024/TT-BTNMT stipulating the procedures for developing the national land database in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)
What are principles for developing and updating the national land database in Vietnam?
Based on Article 4 of Circular 25/2024/TT-BTNMT, the development and updating of the national land database is stipulated by the following principles:
- The land database, after construction, must comply with the regulations by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment regarding the content, structure, and information format of the national land database.
- Component databases of the national land database must be constructed simultaneously and be interconnected and integrated with each other, with the cadastral database prioritized for construction to serve as the foundation for building and spatially positioning the other component databases of the national land database.
- The data within the national land database must be consistent with the information, data, and documentation used to construct the national land database.
- During the process of constructing the land database, all regulations on data safety and security must be ensured.
- The synchronization and integration of locally managed land databases into the nationally managed land database must be conducted regularly after the local land database is put into management and operation.
- The scale of organizational deployment for constructing the land database is determined by district-level administrative units based on the technical design and cost estimates for the construction of the land database approved by competent authorities.
For district-level administrative units that have constructed a land database but do not have complete data for all commune-level administrative units, supplementary construction is required to achieve closure for the district-level administrative unit.
The technical design and cost estimates for constructing the land database approved by competent authorities, along with the approval decision, must be submitted (in electronic form) to the Department of Land Registration and Information Data for monitoring and aggregation.
- For agricultural production areas with an existing or ongoing land consolidation plan, the cadastral database is constructed during the process of surveying, drafting cadastral maps, registration, and issuance of certificates.
What are components of the national land database in Vietnam?
Based on Article 165 of the Land Law 2024 regulating the national land database:
Article 165. National Land Database
- The national land database includes the following components:
a) Database on legislative documents related to land;
b) Cadastral database;
c) Database on investigation, evaluation, protection, restoration, and reclamation of land;
d) Database on planning and land use plans;
dd) Database on land prices;
e) Database on land statistics and inventory;
g) Database on inspection, citizen reception, dispute resolution, complaints, and denunciations related to land;
h) Other databases related to land.
- The national land database is constructed in a synchronous and unified manner according to national standards and regulations across the entire country.
- The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment prescribes the content, structure, and information format of the national land database.
The national land database consists of the following components:
- Database on legislative documents related to land
- Cadastral database
- Database on investigation, evaluation, protection, restoration, and reclamation of land
- Database on planning and land use plans
- Database on land prices
- Database on land statistics and inventory
- Database on inspection, citizen reception, dispute resolution, complaints, and denunciations related to land
- Other databases related to land