Vietnam: How many trained technicians are civil cryptographic service providers required to have at least?
According to Article 31 of the Law on Network Information Security 2015, an enterprise that wishes to trade in civil cryptographic services on the list of civil cryptographic products and services in Vietnam shall obtain a license for doing so.
An enterprise shall be granted a license for trading in civil cryptographic products and services in Vietnam when fully meeting the following conditions:
a/ Having managerial, administration and technical staff members who meet professional requirements on information confidentiality and security;
b/ Having equipment and physical foundations suitable to the scale of provision of civil cryptographic products and services;
c/ Having a technical plan conformable with standards and technical regulations;
d/ Having a cyberinformation confidentiality and security plan in the course of management and provision of civil cryptographic products and services;
dd/ Having an appropriate business plan.
Thus, to obtain a business license, the enterprise must have managerial, administration, and technical staff members who meet professional requirements on information confidentiality and security. To be specific:
Clause 2, Article 4 of Decree 58/2016/ND-CP stipulates that the enterprise has to employ at least 02 technicians who possess university-level or higher qualifications in electronics - telecommunications, information technology, mathematics or information security. Moreover, the managerial personnel of the enterprise have graduated in electronics - telecommunications, information technology, mathematics, information security or other discipline with a training certificate in information security.