From December 25, 2024, are accounts for online games that are not verified by phone number in Vietnam allowed to play?
From December 25, 2024, are accounts for online games that are not verified by phone number in Vietnam allowed to play?
Pursuant to Article 39 of Decree 147/2024/ND-CP on the granting of licenses to provide online G1 video game services:
Article 39. Granting of licenses to provide online G1 video game services
- An enterprise is granted a License to provide G1 online video game services when meeting the following conditions:
a) It must be a business established according to the legal provisions of Vietnam, with its business activities for providing online video game services registered on the national business registration portal; it must have a clear and contactable main office address and phone number;
b) It must have a registered domain name used to provide the service;
c) It must demonstrate sufficient financial capacity, organizational structure, and personnel capable of managing video games suitable with the scale of its operations;
d) It must have a technical equipment system that can connect to payment organizations in compliance with legal regulations and ensure accurate, complete data storage, allowing players to access detailed information about their payment accounts on the game application system (game account);
dd) It must have a technical equipment system ensuring the full storage and updating of players' information in Vietnam, including full name, date of birth, and mobile phone number in Vietnam. Authentication of players' accounts must be done via mobile phone number in Vietnam, ensuring that only verified accounts can participate in playing games; for players under 16 years old, the account must be registered with the information of their parents or legal guardians under civil law, who are responsible for supervising and managing the playtime and content accessed by players under 16 years old; the information of players must be deleted after the storage period as regulated;
Based on the above regulation, enterprises granted the License to provide G1 online video game services must have a technical system ensuring the full storage and update of players' information in Vietnam, including full name, date of birth, and mobile phone number in Vietnam.
The authentication of players' accounts must be done via mobile phone number in Vietnam, ensuring that only verified accounts can participate in playing games.
For players under 16 years old, the account must be registered with the information of their parents or legal guardians under civil law, who are responsible for supervising and managing the playtime and content accessed by players under 16 years old.
The information of players must be deleted after the storage period as regulated.
Thus, the authentication of players' accounts must be done via mobile phone number in Vietnam, ensuring that only verified accounts can participate in playing games.
From December 25, 2024, are accounts for online games that are not verified by phone number in Vietnam allowed to play? (Image from the Internet)
What is a G1 video game in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 37 of Decree 147/2024/ND-CP on the principles of managing online video games:
Article 37. Principles of Managing Online video games
- Online video games are categorized as follows:
a) Interactive games involving multiple players with each other simultaneously via the enterprise's game server system (referred to as G1 games);
b) Games only involving player interaction with the enterprise's game server system (referred to as G2 games);
c) Interactive games involving multiple players with each other without interaction with the enterprise's game server system (referred to as G3 games);
d) Games downloaded via the internet with no interaction between players and between players and the enterprise's game server system (referred to as G4 games);
dd) For newly established genres of online video games not falling under points a, b, c, d of this section, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall recommend and propose management measures for the Prime Minister of Vietnam to consider and decide.
According to the above regulation, G1 video games are those that allow for multiple players to interact with each other simultaneously through the enterprise's game server system.
What documents are included in the Application for a license to provide G1 online video game services in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 40 of Decree 147/2024/ND-CP, the application for a License to provide G1 online video game services includes:
- Application for the License
- A valid copy (including a copy issued from the original register or a notarized copy or a notarized electronic copy or a copy compared with the original) of the business registration certificate or investment registration certificate, or another equivalent valid certificate or license issued before the effective date of the Investment Law 2014 and Enterprise Law 2020
- A scheme for providing G1 online video game services confirmed by a legal representative of the enterprise or the head of the enterprise applying for the license