What is way of writing a personal review of party members in 2022 in Vietnam? Who has to write the personal party member review in 2022 in Vietnam?

Who has to write the personal review of in 2022 in Vietnam? When is the time to conduct the party member review in Vietnam? What are regulations on form of the personal review of party members in 2022 in Vietnam? What is way of writing a personal review of party members in 2022 in Vietnam? 

I am a local party member. Through research, I learned that at the end of the year, party members usually have to do a year-end party review. So can you give me a sample and what is way of writing a personal review of party members? Thank you!

Who has to write the personal review of in 2022 in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the Guideline 21-HD/BTCTW in 2019 stipulates that:

The person who must write the review is a party member of the entire Party (except for a party member who is exempted from party work and activities, and a party member who is suspended from party activities). For members who are suspended from activities of the Party Committee, they still have to review.

When is the time to conduct the party member review in Vietnam?

The time for party member review is conducted before the year-end summary of the organization, agency or unit.

What are regulations on form of the personal review of party members in 2022 in Vietnam?

According to the Form 02-HD KD.ĐG 2019 in the Guideline 21-HD/BTCTW in 2019, the form of the personal review of party members in 2022 is as follows:

PARTY …………..
Branch: …………………….

Communist Party of Vietnam


..... , date ... month ... year ...





Year ….

Full name: ……………………….. Date of birth: ……………………..

Party position: …………………………………………………….

Government position: …………………………………………………….

Corporate position: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Working unit: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Branch ………………………………………………………………………………………………

I. Advantages and results achieved

1. Regarding political ideology ; moral qualities, living standards ; sense of organization and discipline; working style and manners :

- About political ideology.

- On moral qualities, lifestyle.

- About the sense of discipline organization.

- About working style and manners.

- The struggle to prevent and combat the manifestations of degradation in political thought, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" of the individual. (Compared with 27 expressions, self-identified individuals)

Self-assessment of performance level:

□ Excellent        Good     Average Poor _      _

2. Regarding the performance of assigned responsibilities and tasks

- The performance of responsibilities and powers according to regulations (party, government, mass organizations).

- The results of the implementation of the targets and tasks assigned in the year.

- Personal responsibility related to the results, limitations and shortcomings in the field, locality, organization, agency or unit under his/her charge.

Self-assessment of performance level:

□ Excellent        Good     Average Poor _      _

3. The implementation of the commitment to cultivate , practice and strive every year

II. Limitations, defects and causes

1. Limitations and shortcomings (according to the above 03 contents).

2. Causes of limitations and defects.

III. Results of overcoming limitations and shortcomings that have been concluded or pointed out by competent authorities in previous reviews.

Clearly review each limitation and defect (remedied; being overcome, the level of correction; not yet overcome); difficulties and problems (if any); individual responsibility.

Self-assessment of performance level:

□ Excellent        Good     Average Poor _      _

IV. Explanation of suggested issues for review (if any)

Explain each issue suggested for review, state the cause, determine the individual's responsibility for each issue suggested for review.

V. Clarifying individual responsibilities for the collective's limitations and shortcomings (if any)

BECAUSE. Directions and measures to overcome limitations and shortcomings

VII. Self-acknowledged quality rating

1. Classification of cadres, civil servants and public employees:

□ Successfully completed the mission

□ Well done the mission

□ Complete the quest

□ Don't complete the quest

2. Classification of party members:

□ Successfully completed the mission

□ Well done the mission

□ Complete the quest

□ Don't complete the quest



(Signature, full name)

Assess and classify the quality of cadres, civil servants and public employees

- Comments and evaluations of managers and employers of cadres, civil servants and public employees:


- Level of quality classification of civil servants and public employees: …………………………………………………….



(Specify time, sign, write full name and seal)


Evaluate and rank the quality of party members

- Comments and assessments of the branch committee: …………………………………………………….

- Sub-department proposes to rank the quality level: ……………………



On behalf of
(Specify time, sign, write full name)


- Party committees, grassroots branch committees rank the quality level: …………………….



On behalf of
(Specify date, sign, write full name and seal)

What is way of writing a personal review of party members in 2022 in Vietnam? 

Here is a guide on how to write a personal review of party members in 2022 that you can refer to:

COMMUNE PARTY B Communist Party of Vietnam

Branch: 6 .........., date.....month...year......



Year: ....

Full name: Nguyen Van B Date of birth: 19xx

Party position: Party member

Government position: Civil servant

Corporate position: ................................................................................................................ .................

Working unit: People's Committee of commune A, district B, province C

Branch: 6

I. Advantages and results achieved

1. Regarding political ideology; moral qualities, lifestyle; sense of organization and discipline; working style and manners:

- Political ideology: Absolute loyalty to Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought and the Party's renewal line; implement, propagate and mobilize families to comply with the guidelines and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State...

- Regarding moral qualities and lifestyle: Preserving morality and lifestyle; Having a spirit of market-seeking, listening, receptive and correcting shortcomings and fighting with manifestations of bureaucracy, corruption, wastefulness, negativity...

- Regarding the sense of organizational discipline: Obey the assignment of the organization; strictly implement what Party members are not allowed to do; living and paying party fees in full; exemplary in performing civic duties and regularly keeping in contact with the local branch committees and party committees of the place of residence...

- Working style and manners: Dynamic, creative, drastic in performing tasks; scientific, democratic and principled work; have a spirit of cooperation, help comrades and colleagues.

- The struggle to prevent and combat the manifestations of degradation in political thought, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" of the individual. (Contrasting with 27 expressions, self-identified individual): Self-related with such symptoms as: Not willing to accept tasks in remote places, where there are difficulties; Solidarity, formal democracy...

Self-assessment of performance level:

□ Excellent x Good Average Poor

2. Regarding the performance of assigned responsibilities and tasks

- The performance of responsibilities and powers according to regulations (Party, government, mass organizations): Full payment of Party fees; To comply with his/her rights and responsibilities…

- Results of implementation of assigned targets and tasks in the year: Completed all targets and tasks assigned by superiors in the year, achieved positive results...

- Personal responsibility related to the results, limitations and shortcomings in the field, locality, organization, agency or unit under his/her charge: Sometimes not focusing on the work leads to problems. some minor errors...

Self-assessment of performance level:

□ Excellent x Good Average Poor

3. The implementation of the commitment to cultivate, practice and strive every year

II. Limitations, defects and causes

1. Limitations and shortcomings (according to the above 03 contents): Not spending much appropriate time to research and learn deeply about the Party's Platform, Charter, Resolutions and regulations; State laws and policies...

2. Causes of limitations and shortcomings: In some jobs, a reasonable time has not been arranged to perform, causing insufficient time to research and learn about the Platform, Charter, Resolutions, and regulations. the Party's regulations, the law...

III. Results of overcoming limitations and shortcomings that have been concluded or pointed out by competent authorities in previous reviews.

Clearly review each limitation and defect (remedied; being overcome, the level of correction; not yet overcome); difficulties and problems (if any); Individual responsibility: Gradually building a more reasonable timetable to spend more time researching and understanding the Party's regulations, laws...

Self-assessment of performance level:

□ Excellent x Good Average Poor

IV. Explanation of suggested issues for review (if any)

Explain each issue suggested for review, state the cause, determine the individual's responsibility for each issue suggested for review: ……………………..

V. Clarifying individual responsibilities for the collective's limitations and shortcomings (if any)

BECAUSE. Directions and measures to overcome limitations and shortcomings

VII. Self-recognition of quality rating

1. Classification of cadres, civil servants and public employees:

□Excellent Mission Accomplished

x Complete the mission well

□Complete the quest

□ Didn't complete the quest

2. Classification of Party members:

□Excellent Mission Accomplished

x Complete the mission well

□Complete the quest

□ Didn't complete the quest



(Sign, write full name)

Assess and classify the quality of cadres, civil servants and public employees

- Comments and evaluations of managers and employers of cadres, civil servants and public employees: ……………………. ................................. .................

- Level of quality classification of civil servants and public employees: ..................... ...



(Specify date, sign, write full name and seal)


Evaluate and rank the quality of Party members

- Comments and evaluations of the committee: ................................................................................. ..........................

- Sub-department proposes to rank the quality level: ....................... .............



(Specify time, sign, write full name)


- Party committees, grassroots branch committees rank the quality level: .....................



(Specify date, sign, write full name and seal)

Best Regards!

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