What is the latest personal review form 02B in Vietnam?

What is the latest personal review form 02B in Vietnam? What is content of Party member review in Vietnam? - Question from Mr. Vu (Nghe An).

What is the latest personal review form 02B in Vietnam?

In Instruction 25-HD/BTCTW 2023, there is a regulation on the personal review form form 02B applicable to individuals who are leaders and managers as follows:

Form 02B-HD KD.ĐG 2023





…., date…. year…..



Year ....

(Individuals holding leadership or management positions)

Full name:………………………………………………….. Date of birth: …………………………

Party position: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Government position: …………………..…………………..…………………..………………..

Organizational position: …………………..…………………..…………………..……………………

Working unit: ………………….. Party cell …………………..…………………..……………..

I. Advantages and results achieved

1. About political qualities, ethics, and lifestyle; spirit of solidarity and internal unity; sense of discipline, responsibility to set an example, and implementation of things party members are not allowed to do; style and working style. Related manifestations of degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation".

Self-assessment of performance level:

□ Excellent

□ Good

□ Average

□ Poor

2. Implementation of tasks, powers and results of implementation of assigned targets and tasks during the year.

Self-assessment of performance level:

□ Excellent

□ Good

□ Average

□ Poor

3. Results of leadership, direction, management and administration; carry out responsibilities and tasks; level of task completion by organizations, agencies and units under management; ability to gather and build internal solidarity.

□ Excellent

□ Good

□ Average

□ Poor

4. Responsibilities at work; spirit of dynamism, innovation, creativity, daring to think, daring to do, daring to take responsibility; Handle difficult, complex, and sensitive issues in performing tasks.

□ Excellent

□ Good

□ Average

□ Poor

5. Responsibility to set an example for yourself and your family; the fight against corruption, negativity and waste; the trust of officials and party members.

□ Excellent

□ Good

□ Average

□ Poor

6. Fulfilling the commitment to cultivate, practice, and strive every year

II. Limitations, shortcomings and causes

1. Limitations and shortcomings.

2. Causes of limitations and shortcomings.

III. Results of overcoming limitations and shortcomings concluded by competent authorities or pointed out in previous reviews

Clearly review each limitation and defect (has been overcome; is being overcome, level of correction; has not been overcome); difficulties and problems (if any); individual responsibility.

Self-assessment of performance level:

□ Excellent

□ Good

□ Average

□ Poor

IV. Explanation of issues suggested for review (if any)

Explain each issue suggested for review, state the cause, and determine individual responsibility for each issue suggested for review.

V. Clarifying individual responsibilities for collective limitations and shortcomings (if any)

VI. Directions and measures to overcome limitations and shortcomings

VII. Get your own quality rating

1. Classification of officials, civil servants and public employees:

□ Complete the task excellently

□ Complete the task well

□ Complete the mission

□ Not completing the task

2. Party member classification:

□ Complete the task excellently

□ Complete the task well

□ Complete the mission

□ Not completing the task



(Sign, write full name)


Evaluate and classify the quality of cadres, civil servants and public employees

- Comments and assessments of managers and employers of officials, civil servants and public employees:



- Quality rating of civil servants and public employees: ……………………………………………



(Set time, sign, state full name and seal)


Evaluate and rank the quality of party members

- Comments and assessments of the Party Committee: …………………………………………………………………

- The Party cell proposes to classify the quality level: …………………………..…………………………



(Set the time, sign, write full name)


- Grassroots Party Committees and Party Committees classify the quality level: …………………………………………….



(Set up time, sign, clearly state full name and seal)

What is the latest personal review form 02B in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Which party members do not have to do year-end reviews in Vietnam?

In Clause 2, Article 5, Regulation 124-QD/TW of 2023 stipulates subjects of individual review:

Subject of review

1. Collective

1.1. Party committees and organizations at all levels:

a) Politburo, Party Central Committee Secretariat.

b) Standing Committee of the Party Committee directly under the Central Government; Standing Committees of Party Committees at provincial and district levels; Standing committees of upper-level party committees at the grassroots level of public service units and state-owned enterprises at the Central and local levels (including standing committees of grassroots party committees that are delegated authority or piloted to delegate authority at the grassroots level) and The standing committee of the Party Committee at the grassroots level (where there is no standing committee, the executive committee will be reviewed).

c) Party unions and party committees at the Central and local levels.


2. Personal

2.1. Party members throughout the Party (except for party members who are exempt from party work and activities; party members suspended from party activities; new party members admitted for less than 6 months).

2.2. Leadership and management staff at all levels.

Thus, Party members do not have to carry out year-end reviews including:

- Party members are exempt from party work and activities;

- Party members are suspended from party activities;

- New Party members have been admitted for less than 6 months;


What is the latest personal review form 02B in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What is content of Party member review in Vietnam?

In Article 6, Regulation 124-QD/TW of 2023 stipulates that the content of personal review includes:

For individuals not holding leadership or management positions

- About political qualities, ethics, and lifestyle; spirit of solidarity and internal unity; sense of discipline, responsibility to set an example, and implementation of things party members are not allowed to do; style and working style. Related manifestations of degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation".

- Implementation of tasks, powers and results of implementation of assigned targets and tasks during the year.

- Fulfilling the commitment to cultivate, practice and strive every year.

- Issues suggested for review; overcoming limitations and shortcomings concluded by competent authorities and pointed out in the previous review period (if any).

For individuals holding leadership and management positions

About political qualities, ethics, and lifestyle; spirit of solidarity and internal unity; sense of discipline, responsibility to set an example, and implementation of things party members are not allowed to do; style and working style. Related manifestations of degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation".

- Implementation of tasks, powers and results of implementation of assigned targets and tasks during the year.

- Fulfilling the commitment to cultivate, practice and strive every year.

- Issues suggested for review; overcoming limitations and shortcomings concluded by competent authorities and pointed out in the previous review period (if any).

- Results of leadership, direction, management and administration; carry out responsibilities and tasks; level of task completion by organizations, agencies and units under management; ability to gather and build internal solidarity.

- Responsibilities at work; spirit of dynamism, innovation, creativity, daring to think, daring to do, daring to take responsibility; Handle difficult, complex, and sensitive issues in performing tasks.

- Responsibility to set an example for yourself and your family; the fight against corruption, waste and negativity; the trust of officials and party members.

In addition to the above contents, party committees, party organizations, leadership and management collectives, heads and individuals must review and clarify responsibilities when there are signs of violations; to cause pressing, complicated issues that are of public concern; There are applications, letters of complaints and denunciations; manifestation of internal disunity; violate the Party's principles and regulations; manifestations of "group interests", corruption, negativity, waste, degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation"; There are groups and individuals under management who are disciplined or prosecuted; stagnant, weak, unable to fulfill assigned responsibilities and tasks.

Best regards!

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